Cher has more reasons to be grateful for her incredible life than most people we know. She has lived like royalty and been admired for most of her existence. None of this probably would have happened if her father’s predecessors hadn’t left Armenia. But is Cher grateful to America for showering her with riches? Nope, she holds a grudge. She announced that she doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving because she whines, “It glorifies crimes against native Americans.” (Apparently Cher considers herself one because her mother Georgia Holt claims to have Cherokee in her family) She even accuses the US Army of deliberately giving Indians small pox infected blankets in the 1700’s! This gruesome theory has never been substantiated and begs the question “How does one wage germ warfare when he doesn’t know what a germ IS?” Listen Cher, you don’t have to be religious or political to celebrate Thanksgiving – you only have to be grateful for what you have!
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News