Sam Asghari


Travis Kelce made headlines this week when he revealed on his podcast that he’s living the happiest life he’s ever lived. Here is what we know. Since being linked with Taylor Swift, Travis’ income and business opportunities, including endorsement deals, have increased exponentially. He’s making money hand over fist and combined with the perks of dating Taylor it’s easy to see why he claims he’s living his “best life.” Our source predicts that Travis and Taylor will be engaged before the end of the summer if not sooner.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis and the Walt Disney Company seemed to bury the hatchet after an ongoing battle. While much of this has to do with the fact that Ron is no longer running for president and doesn’t feel the need to generate headlines with outlandish lawsuits, we’re also hearing his wife, Casey was the one who urged him to make peace with the entertainment giant. Here’s why… Casey loves Disney World! It’s where she and Ron got married so she truly finds it one of the happiest places on earth.  She realized she couldn’t be seen there when Ron was at war with Disney but now that the fight is over she plans on being there a lot and renewed her annual pass.

Britney Spears got people talking this week when she posted a since deleted Instagram video of her and her ex-husband Sam Asghari. According to our source, there’s a reason for the sentimental post. The duo haven’t been in contact since splitting up but they’ve recently begun talking again. While it’s too soon to call it a reconciliation, we’re hearing that it’s certainly not out of the question as Brit misses having Sam around. Stay tuned as we will share more details as we hear them.

Gypsy Lee Blanchard made headlines when she announced her short-lived prison marriage to Ryan Anderson was over. No sooner did she announce the split than she was seen hanging out with her ex fiancé, Ken Urker. Here’s what we know: Gypsy enjoys being in the spotlight and is secretly working on a pilot for a reality series based on her life after prison. Her husband Ryan wasn’t so keen on the idea and VERY uncomfortable in front of the camera, but her ex-fiancé Ken also seems to relish being in the spotlight. As of now, Gypsy and Ken are claiming they’re just friends, but we’re hearing a romance is percolating to go along with the planned reality show.

And finally, Donald Trump made headlines once again (surprise surprise!) after posting a $175 cash million bond in his appeal of his $400+ million civil judgment in New York City.  We are hearing that Donald is working hard to come up with money making plans to pay off the debt since he had to borrow the cash. Our source says that in addition to hawking $60 Bibles, Donald is actively working behind the scenes to put his name on everything from fragrances to shampoo. He’s working every angle to make a buck.


Britney Spears’ soon to be ex-husband, aspiring actor Sam Asghari, is hoping to leverage his silence as part of their divorce settlement. According to an insider, because of their ironclad prenup, Sam is likely to walk away with only a six-figure settlement – even though that’s not chump change, it certainly won’t cover the lifestyle he grew accustomed to as Britney‘s husband. Our source says that Sam is prepared to spill the beans and write a tell-all book on what it was like being married to Britney unless their prenup is renegotiated and he gets more money. We shall see how much his “silence” is worth…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Britney Spears still seems to be hell-bent on destroying her relationship with her two teenage sons- she’s still posting these nude photos that embarrass them. The big question remains: where is Britney’s husband Sam Asghari? It looks like the 12 -years- younger bodybuilder/actor does not give Britney sensible advice when she needs it. He happens to be one of the FEW people she still talks to- she’s on the outs with her family. Even her fans are now shocked when she posts these sexy photos and leave concerned comments. You might call Sam the villain behind the scenes here – he’s likely THE ONE BEHIND THE CAMERA!

Photo: Instagram


Somebody finally gave Britney Spears some good advice. She bought her new $11.8 million dollar Calabasas house BEFORE she tied the knot with Sam Asghari. According to her pre-nup, (another good piece of advice- and NOT from her father) Britney is sole owner of all her money and investments that she achieved before she married. Sam will no doubt share in her future earnings now that he’s her husband, but he can’t take the house away. Days after the ceremony, Britney is already moving into her new Mcmansion in The Oaks – not far from her ex Kevin Federline and their two sons. It’s big – with 9 bathrooms, a 10 seat movie theater, and his n’ hers walk in closets. And it’s all HERS.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


OK- here’s a little Oscar mystery. Britney Spears’ personal trainer fiancee Sam Asghari turned up dressed in a tuxedo, at the Elton John AIDS viewing party ALONE. No Britney. What do you suppose happened? Certainly Britney was the one invited. Invitees donate a lot of money to enjoy this event. Tickets just to the after-party cost over $5000 apiece- and the dinner tickets (when Sam arrived) costs $9000 per person. Did Britney back out at the last minute? If so, why did Sam come alone? Does he have wealthy friends to hang with inside? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We can’t help but wonder what is going on in the head of Britney Spears’ ambitious boyfriend Sam Asghari while all this family drama is escalating. Britney seems infuriated with her entire family and continues to trade snipes with her sister online. She says she plans to sue the pants off her father for mishandling her conservatorship and also threatened to sue her sister if she talks about Britney while being interviewed about the book she wrote (that Britney hates.) Britney has distanced herself from her entire family- Sam is the only one left. Is he ENCOURAGING Britney to call out family members? (to have her all to himself, perhaps) Or is he terrified by her extreme and angry behavior? Does HE want to be in charge of her unpredictable life? Time will tell…

Photo: Instagram


Sam Asghari didn’t waste a MINUTE getting engaged to Britney Spears as soon as her father Jamie indicated that he was giving up on the conservatorship and Brit will soon be free to spend her own money. Her hot young boyfriend stayed with Britney for five years waiting for this to happen. You can bet that HE will be more than happy to take over Jamie’s duties – running Britney’s life and her finances ASAP. We predicted this – and now we predict that Britney will become pregnant soon, and with the baby demanding her attention, she will barely notice what Sam is up to….

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Britney Spears’ 27 year old boyfriend Sam Asghari is madly in love with his expensive new 4 door custom Jeep Rubicon. It has all the bells and whistles and cost a pretty penny. Is he a bit early in celebrating Britney’s emancipation from her father’s strict conservatorship? Today the judge denied her request to replace dad Jamie immediately. Sam is counting the days until Britney is free to do as she pleases…

Photo: Instagram


Britney Spears has said she wants to marry and have more children, but her hot young boyfriend Sam Asghari, 27, has NOT proposed. Why not? The answer is simple: as long as Jamie Spears is in charge, Sam knows there would be an iron-clad pre-nup. He doesn’t want anything to get in his way. Britney is perfectly happy having whatever man she’s with run her life and tell her what to do. Sam is probably the smartest and most ambitious of Britney’s boyfriends and he would be delighted to take charge of her life and fortune. (He’s been waiting patiently) If Britney’s conservatorship ends, just watch and see how quickly Sam proposes!

Photo: Instagram