We’ve been fans of Saturday Night Live since day one, and Steve Martin was always an amazing host. He tweeted this photo today captioned, “Where are they now? Why, right here.” How all these SNL people happened to get together we don’t know, but we recognize everyone but the guy in the hat….
Photo via: buzzfeed.com
Reunion Saturday Night Live Steve Martin Twitter
That’s Paul Simon, Janet. Lorne’s best friend. I think the guy in the back with the glasses is Tom Hanks.
Paul Simon
he needs a map anyway.
………but this the cause of “Alzheimer”.
That’s just a bad picture of Paul Simon as well as the picture of Tom Hanks with the geeky glasses and mustache.
alec baldwin was THE best host they ever had……tho martin short was also amazing!
Great photo! Thanks Janet.
I thought that was Paul Simon.
That’s Paul Simon. Nice picture of great comedians.
Five timers!
love his music, he’s irreplaceable. but the lad’s not looking so good.
Is it genes, drink or what? anyone know ?
And, don’t say herpes Strom, lets try to keep this topic above the ridiculous please.