We have a weakness for Wire Fox Terriers and when we heard that this little girl pictured above couldn’t find a home, we just had to adopt her from the American Terrier Rescue Association. (Our other dog looks a bit annoyed but he got over it.) These wonderful ATRA people rescue terriers that have been dumped by their owners – some are older, some have medical problems, but all are salvageable with a little effort and deserve to have nice lives. There’s nothing more fun than a terrier! We met an ATRA puppy called Belle that desperately needs surgery and we hope that you, dear readers, can find it in your heart to donate something. Click HERE for little Belle’s pictures and story.

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  1. Janet, you must be a dog master with all those terriers, the hardest of all to train. Bless your heart for taking in a rescue.

  2. Good for you Janet! Those pups are precious and especially the one you got! My mom had a wire haired terrier when she was a little girl.

  3. God bless you, Janet, for giving this precious baby a second chance in life. You rock!

  4. Loving all of these pics of you lately, Janet. Makes your column even that more relate-able.

  5. The other dog is a Bedlington Terrier.
    They look like a lamb when sheared properly.

  6. unfortunately they don’t fit the microwave.
    CHIHUAHUA’S DO, folks!!

  7. We have 5 rescued dogs at home, 3 of whom are terrier mixes.
    You are my kind of lady!

  8. Becca, You are right! When I rescued little Elvis they thought he was a terrier-poodle mix but he turned out to be a precious Bedlington. He’s 2 now.

  9. Bless you Janet but the US economy is very weak. Many can’t feed themselves or their families let alone a Dog.

  10. that’s why chinese people eat dogs……TO FEED THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY!!

  11. Oh shut up “abe”.

    Wonderful thing you did Janet, she’s a beauty. And I have to echo Kait, love that you’re posting photos of yourself and sharing a bit of your life.

  12. Danger gives Four Paws Up ! <3
    When you rescue a dog
    they also rescue you……

  13. I’ve had two Bedlingtons and they are the sweetest dogs I have ever come across!! AND they don’t shed!!!! GO JANET!!!

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