It makes sense that Jennifer Lopez might be growing a little weary of her two year romance with 18 years younger dancer Casper Smart. Back when Jen was splitting with her husband Marc Anthony, Casper was her rock and a shoulder to lean on. In the beginning Jennifer enjoyed the youthful thrill of “forbidden” romance as the two sneaked around and kissed backstage. Casper fit right into Jennifer’s schedule and she never had to go on the road alone. That’s the benefit of dating someone on your payroll. But eventually it can become annoying when one partner brings in all the money and the other doesn’t contribute. Casper might have become too comfortable and took J.Lo for granted. They’ve had a long run, but the odds are against this lasting much longer.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Here’s another possibility: he is tired of feeling like a child in the relationship with her wanting & getting all the attention and earning all the money, but breaking up with her means he has to give up his job, his lifestyle, his home & his relationship with her kids. There is an imbalance of power that makes staying in the relationship challenging and leaving even harder. I want to love JLo, but even if Casper was in it for the money, I’m sure he’s learned a hard lesson by now.

  2. she needs a man who shares her thoughts & show her the right direction.
    he can’t, because he is still a boy.

  3. Jennifer can never be alone…I’m sure there is someone in the wings waiting to be deployed to full time boy friend status.

  4. She is vile. She performed for a brutal dictator earlier this year.

  5. Without wigs and makeup she is an extremely plain and untalented hispanic woman. She also has given up more behind to BLACK men, trying to become famous, than anyone except a Kardashian.

  6. Without wigs and makeup she is an extremely plain and untalented hispanic woman

  7. She also has given up more behind to BLACK men, trying to become famous, than anyone except a Kardashian.

  8. Mr. Strom, perhaps, if you have a minute, you could explain the calculus that has led to your astute conclusion ?

    After all, you state it so confidently, and with such purpose, it must be true. Clearly, you yourself must be a deep and robust thinker. Nothing petty or obsessive about you could there be ?

    Superior in every way.

    A man of spiritual clarity and moral balance. Our hero.

  9. Can we just STOP with pieces on this skank.
    She can’t sing , can’t dance and has been paired with almost every famous, accomplished actor in the world…. and her movies still and continually bomb!
    Perhaps she should stick to giving up her rear …seems to be about all she’s good for–although even doing that doesn’t seem to have scored her a permanent boyfriend.

  10. Poor Jern, hiding behind a child’s moniker!

    Maybe refute anything you deem inaccurate. it isn’t, you won’t.

  11. what’s so “mature” about Strom ????

    your thought processes are those of a young child Strom, or a very damaged adult ( for ample proof – see your posts, they’re ridiculous, show any inaccuracies Strom, go on give it a try, just one )

    your reasoning is childish, here’s an example: Strom, ” all elephants are called Wendy , refute anything inaccurate ” don’t you see how silly you are ? My seven year old is more calculating and cogent.

    you big angry coward, shame on you

  12. Poor Jern, hiding behind a child, and enabling a duck face like JLo, who cares not awhit for her own people.

    Provide my inaccuracies, which seem to bother you so much….that you can’t name them.

    grow up!

  13. Casper’s a “rock that can leaned on” ? Pushed around is more like it.

  14. Pied Piper wants to lead a parade to the aid of talentless jLO it seems.

    Provide any inaccuracies, if you can.

  15. She caught him cheating.. the papps caught him cheating.. she wants to dump him before he dumps her and she loses her reputation as a desirable hottie..

  16. I believe it when I read that her mgr/former mgr (Benny, and I have no clue if he’s managing her now)….but he said her problem is that she will go out with anyone who asks her, anyone at all — and that her standards are generally way too low.

    For sure, she does seem to always have someone on the back burner before she ends a relationship. Poor baby would never be alone. I’m sure if the breakup is true, we’ll be hearing his name shortly.

    It’s almost seamless how she leaves one and then within weeks is deeply involved with the next. It must be a Diva thing, as that’s a title of which I think she’s reigns as Queen!

  17. Her manager deserves all the credit for the the $$$ success of such a talentless person.

    Such a disgrace to her race by providing so much backside to BLACKS!

  18. As has been stated time and again:

    She also has given up more behind to BLACK men, trying to become famous, than anyone except a Kardashian.

  19. But it must be awful to wake up every morning knowing that again it’s the same old drudge: Dress up, make appearance , make out you’re fabulous , knowing you’re not, look at goofy looking boyfriend, cream your body see if your ass is still big and round and wonder what diva personality to wear today that might encourage some black no- talent name to take you out in order that once again your name might get in the papers…. Aah, more cream on the ass… That’ll do it … they ALL want to do that! That’s bound to work—- always has before… and I’m getting to quite like it now.

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