Jessica Simpson is putting on a happy face but she seems like she’s longing for romance in her life. Her people called one of Jessica’s favorite restaurants – Koi – the other night and ordered food ahead because they would be arriving after 11. Among other things, they ordered Jessica’s favorite albacore tuna with onions, and black cod with crispy rice. Apparently she had just wrapped filming some TV special and wanted to celebrate. Jessica was overdressed in a long red gown and arrived with her assistant and her hairdresser Ken Paves and five or six others. Everybody tried to keep Jessica happy and they ordered a festive platter of desserts and cake for the table. She barely nibbled at the food and couldn’t help but notice how happy Lindsay Lohan looked sitting with her boyfriend Harry Morton at another table. Being divorced in Hollywood isn’t easy.

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13 thoughts on “SMILING ON THE OUTSIDE

  1. sadly, jessica has very little talent….have her Daddy find her a love

  2. Perhaps she could have Daddy Joe put her profile in “can’t tell chicken from tuna, loves jackasses, and must have daddy make all her decisions.”

  3. Girl should stay away from men… at least until Papa Joe bites the dust. It’s not fair to the guy she’s with.

  4. Guess she should have thought about that before dumping the best thing to ever happen to her!!!

  5. Her father is very creepy where she’s concerned. All he ever talks about are her breasts and her sexiness. If I were his wife, I’d be very uneasy….

  6. She had a nice, grown-up husband, who she dumped, so no tears for poor Jessica.

  7. I love Jessica, but what kind of sense could that girl have to let Nick get away???
    Now Vanessa’s got Nick and Jessica is reduced to clubbing with her hairdresser. Silly girl. I’d much rather be out with Nick than Ken Pave!
    Jessica, why did you divorce that good-looking man?
    Girl, grow up!

  8. She wanted to be single and now she is. Too bad. I would have expected better behavior from someone who supposedly saved herself for marriage.

  9. What a spoiled brat with no talent. She’s blond with big boobs, a fake tan and bleached teeth. Poor baby my ass. Go cry on Daddy’s shoulder you sick cow.

  10. I agree. How incredibly depressing to realize you’re a beautiful young woman, you’ve had incredible material and professional success, and the only “date” you’re ever photographed with is your gay hairdresser. Meantime you’re ex is always seen with a stunning, if somewhat mindless, hetero female.

  11. Simpson is learning the hard way that heterosexual, attractive, SINGLE men are in short supply in her field.

  12. What they didn’t mention is that she thinks KOI specializes in chicken dishes . . .

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