Photos via: Daily Mail

There’s something about men who wear lifts in their shoes that tickles our fancy. Simon Cowell wanted to make sure that nobody could see what kind of heels he was wearing for his show Britain’s Got Talent auditions, so he let down the hem of his jeans. The raggedy hem dragged on the ground but did successfully cover the built up heels on his shoes. But not EVERYBODY was fooled!

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  1. I am sure he saves the stiletto heels for private time at the mansion. lol

  2. Ewww, sick! What man wears pointy shoe? Especially a man who is trying to get laid. Oh well, I guess they match his pointed head.

    Proof, money can’t buy style sense.

  3. What a pompous nancy boy. Americans choose the worst of humanity to make ‘famous’.

  4. I just cannot get my mind wrapped around the idea that this is not a gay man. The more I see (and read) of him, the more a bell goes off that this is a very gay man. I have no way of knowing this, just my intuition & mental reading of him & his behavior tells me so. His “romances” with women & postponed or cancelled “engagements” also read phony to me. I think people who live trying to hide their sexuality must be very uneasy when trying to manipulate their life to disguise a very critical and important part of who they really are. I’m not saying this applies to him, but that’s how I feel. Just sayin… hope that’s o.k.

  5. this were HOT shoes in europe about twelve years ago, folks.

  6. Hollywoody5000:

    I think Simon is gay.
    Also Tom Cruise
    Also John Travolta
    Also Will Smith
    Also Jake Gyllenhaal
    Also George Clooney

    Source of this belief: GAYDAR

  7. When I first read the title for this item, I thought for sure you were talking about his moobs. (Not a typo, means man boobs)

  8. When I first read this item, I thought you meant getting poked by a well endowed dude – & I find that more credible

  9. Well endowed vs height? Mmm


    simon doesn’t set off my gaydar. I find him quite attractive, I think because he tells it like it is, I think he is a bit of a softy in a relationship and he is confident and cheeky.

    ‘Simon, that is a yes from me’. Hehehe

  10. Simon appears to be “full-figured” in the same way Jane Russell famously was.

  11. Heh heh, are you sure that’s where he most needs it?

    Also, thanks to all the commenters for the excellent laughs!

  12. from 2008

    BLIND GOSSIP 11/06
    When a couple split after several years together, the official parting is usually slow and painful and messy. So you really have to question why the breakup of this couple is going to be swift and painless and clean. It turns out that one half of the couple has incredible leverage in harboring some very deep and very nasty secrets about the other half and their sexual proclivities. The mildest of these secrets is the typical inclusion of a surprising third party, as well as one person’s penchant for wearing clothing of the opposite sex. Several jaw-dropping parting gifts are in the works to effectively buy the ex’s silence.


    I don’t know who this is but I know who I thought of when I read it.

  13. I miss him on Idol. All the OTHER “judges” past and present should go and bring back Simon. I don’t give a damn about his sex life or his shoes, but he DOES have one of the wierdest shaped torsos I’ve ever seen. His head and neck area seem to be aging strangely also. Getting larger somehow.

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