
Shahs of Sunset star Lilly Ghalachi is upstaging all her costars with her new super-wealthy boyfriend. They’ve only been dating for three months, but Dhar Mann has already given Lilly a huge diamond engagement ring. Last night he took her to Mastro’s to celebrate her 31st birthday and he had a surprise gift when she walked outside: a $300,000 white Rolls Royce with a big pink bow on it. (How convenient for the paparazzi!) He SEEMS like a good catch, but Mann was convicted of embezzling redevelopment funds in the City of Oakland. And he still has legal problems. We’re guessing the two of them are more interested in fame than love…

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. So, the hard working people of the City of Oakland paid for that fish to have a white RR? Why isn’t he in jail? Sickening.

  2. she still didn’t see “The Lights”?

  3. Who are these unknowns? Does Janet get revenue for each web search on these no names?

  4. He’s a crook who tried to sell pot in Oakland and wants a reality show.

  5. Mewsflash to all you women hating losers that somehow think it is funny or okay to refer to females as fish: IT IS NOT. You are repulsive and gross. Grow-up! You are no better than the homophobes on this site who make revolting comments about gay ppl.

  6. Sorry Trudy. My wife says you’re right. Even though females are referred to as “birds” in Britain, “fish” is equally offensive in the States. Won’t use it again.

  7. There is no doubt these two hooked up to receive offers that will launch them in the spotlight together.

    Lily is a fame whore who is on a mission to make her ex-boyfriend, Ali, jealous that she’s finally got a new man in her life.

    Lily disrespects her parents and shames them on the show. I remember one episode of the Shahs of Sunset where Lily was getting out of the Persian boat during a gay parade. She actually said, “I just flashed my vagina.” I thought that was low class and very disrespectful to her culture and her parents.

    Knowing her culture, Lily is definitely on a mission to rebel against the norm and does not care what her parents think of her. By this time, I am sure that Lily has been disowned by her parents. She’s showing that she has no morals or commitment to her culture.

    Lily would be killed if she lived in Iran behaving this way and I am sure that she has stopped visiting Iran by now.

    Lily stated on the show that her parents didn’t want her with them on a trip to Iran fearing the worse because Lily is on the show cursing like sailor and selling indecent bikinis.

    I don’t like Lily because she has an air of thinking she’s above everyone else having an education and wealth. But Lily will swear that anyone who doesn’t like her is jealous, which is not true sometimes; however, women are jealous creatures toward each other a good majority of the time.

    I predict Lily will end up a very lonely woman after she wakes up from her dream with this highly suspicious character who may end up in jail. The authorities didn’t go after him like they will now because he’s flashing his assets in the media. Huge mistake!

    Lily’s man will be the target of deeper investigations now that’s he’s really putting himself out there on tv and in the news.

    Also, Lily’s brother appeared on the show and dissed her big time. Lily was so embarrassed and humiliated. The expression on face said it all, but she deserved it. Lily’s brother told the truth about her and she didn’t expect it. Reality tv does show reality most of the time.

  8. Lola, while you might be right (I have absolutely no idea) your reaction seems pretty intense, maybe you could take a short break from the whole gossip, reality show thing eh ? a step back …

  9. Uh, Alex, FYI. I am intrigued by the Shahs of Sunset show and have lots to say about interesting people we have never seen on TV as a group until now. That was a long post, but I enjoyed writing it. In fact, I feel motivated to relocate to Cali and change careers. I want a job writing about people in the entertainment business!

  10. oh no, just what we need, another star struck hay seed wannabe, stay where you are, please, there must be a local ihop that’s looking for help ….

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