Photo via: Teen Vogue

Who better than the preteen pop sensation to whip her hair for the kids at the traditional Easter Egg Roll at the White House on Monday April 25? Willow couldn’t say no – she got a personal invitation from the president! All the Smiths are thrilled – who doesn’t love buddying up with the first family? Even though Will and Jada are closet Scientologists, you can bet the beleaguered group is happy about this news.

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  1. Yeah,nothing says Easter, “Whip my hair”, or whatever it is.

  2. A truly creepy little spawn whose phony parents should focus on letting her be a KID and getting an EDUCATION, instead of fostering her so-called “career”. What a disgusting example to other families and their kids who are already growing up too fast!

  3. Will Islam allow a Muslim to also be a Scientologist? If so, maybe the Smiths can talk B.H.O. into it. Boy-oh-boy would that impress tiny Tom or what.

  4. hopefully the Obamas can talk some sense into the Smiths and those kids will go to a real school and learn some “maths”

  5. This is a confirmation that the world indeed will end next year.


  6. Nothing like exploiting your child to pay for a disgusting lifestyle and a brainwashing organization. Oh, in addition the criminal pimp-master Jay-Z is also profiting from this exploitation.

  7. By the time that this grown child becomes 12, she is Not going to know which way is up!!

  8. you’ll need mor reasons to ABANDON & LEAVE the united states?

  9. Really stop blaming this kid or others like her. Rather shoot their parents, they carry the entire blame.

  10. People!!!

    Racist much?

    I have two words for you as far as child stars go.

    Olsen Twins!

    Were damn infants when they started SITTING ON THE LAPS OF MEN for money.

    Ahem! Who gives a shit about their religion it’s all the same cult anyway.

  11. Wouldnt it be better if they just let the kid go on an Easter egg hunt that day with Obama’s kids? what are they doing to this girl it seems so unnecessary

  12. This is a dumb thing to do…..Willow Smith is AS ANNOYING as that Rachel Black person, who is now getting death threats. Young people need to be young people… one is a star at that tender age…..and shouldn’t be….in my humble, normal, middle class opinion. Ban the Smiths from Exploiting their ridiculous dynasty.

  13. Child stars:
    Of course every baby is born with a certain star quality.Tthat does Not make them have to start their young lives as show biz pawns.
    No matter how young, these little darlings have to be professional, and on time, and ready to perform and give 100% each and every time. There is No room for error,during interviews,or showmanship. If a Judy Garland or a Marilyn Monroe had trouble handling the high pressures of stardom, at what age do we notice that the “star effect” is messing with the innocence of a Willow Smith who should be enjoying her adolescence instead of going along with the pressure to perform. There is a difference between being in the school play and having to make sure that your audience get their money’s worth because they brought tickets to see you. I’ve channel surfed and seen the effect that the kiddie show Toddlers and Tiaras have on the little girls who are rejected, and the double disappointment of the parents who are living through their own children at such a young age. I would be less vocal if Willow were a couple of years older,but being responsible for selling tickets at such a young age is Not the worry that a young child should have.
    When it comes to our children, if they turn out okay, we as parents get one half the credit. If they turn out all wrong, we as parents get all the blame!!

  14. This is one creepy kid.

    The nut sure doesn’t fall far from the tree.

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