Just when she thought her career was starting to wind down, Sandra Bullock had the best year of her life. “The Blind Side” is the first movie with a female lead to break 200 million dollars. Shocking, but true. What’s more, Sandra’s husband Jesse James won the custody battle for limited visitation rights for with his exwife Janine Lindemulder. She can only visit their daughter Sunny, 5, one day a week and no overnights. Sandra loves being Sunny’s second mom. Her dress wasn’t a hit at the People’s Choice Awards, but we really like the flesh color and asymmetrical cut. Like we always say, how can you not love a woman who adopted a dog with two legs?

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  1. I loved her husband on The Apprentise. I think they’re a great couple and very normal, which is a pleasant change from the usual Hollywood types!

  2. I know she is a much better choice for that little girl than her biological mother and I’m glad Sandra is there for her. However, the plastic she has had to her face is starting to scare me and I can only imagine how a child would feel. She looks like a crazy doll that came to life.

  3. because nobody in “HOLLYWOOD” can lie this good?

  4. I hate the dress; it just emphasizes her ultra-small tits. I hate her long straightened hair which should be only on 15-25 year olds. The hair just emphasizes her butchered face. Her acting is OK, but sometimes I think she overacts. I insist everyone see things my way. lol

  5. I totally agree with the smart i am smart. Stick-straight super-long hair is very aging on grown-up women. Shoulder length would be much hotter.

  6. Sandra has been one of my favorite actresses since “Speed”. She’s so natural and like your next door neighbor that her fans love her. I just saw “The Blind Side” yesterday, and if she doesn’t win multiple awards for it, she will be robbed. She was phenomenal.

  7. WOW….she looks FABULOUS! Better than EVER! Love the hair, jewelry, dress, WOW…

  8. I thank “I am smart” for mentioning Bullock’s jello-face, and for the correct use of the subjunctive. It’s a dying art!

  9. I can’t quite understand why everyone is so hard on the mother of Sandra B’s husband?? The woman evaded tax!! She should have the right to have her baby back. I think there is too much bias because Sandra and her husband are famous and that’s not right…birth mother is number 1.
    I like Sandra B because unlike some actresses who are called funny she actually is and she is enjoyable to watch but she is very samey in most of her roles..she even clears her throat in a particular way in every single film I’ve seen of hers. Without my glasses on she looked liked a monkey..but off course with my glasses she looked liked Sandra B very nice.

  10. OOOPs I missed a should read Sandra B’s husband’s ex wife….

  11. People are hard on the bio mom because she is a porn star and drug addict.

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