Poor Rod Stewart took a lot of flak from the UK Daily Mail for stuffing himself into what they called an “alarmingly tight” bathing suit (aka “budgie smugglers.”) They unfavorably compared him to Daniel “007” Craig who has a physique more suitable to the tight trunks. Rod looks fine for a guy his age, but next time he should buy a more flattering swimsuit – in a larger size.

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  1. I’d still take Rod over that chimp face Daniel Craig. I mean just look at that pea head and huge ears.

  2. Daniel Craig could f**k me silly.
    Rod Stewart ought to invest in the “Oprah Winfrey BigTop Beach Coverup”.

  3. The size is not realy important. For Big ones there shops and with using hands, words and last but definitely not least: your MOUTH(and what’s in it). But when you already has to live with a “flat tire”(no problem), DON’T WEAR AN “ADONIS”-SWIMSHORT!! I understand pretty wel you want people to see as some kind of Greek-Goddish. But that movie endedaboutthirtyfive years ago!!

  4. The size is not realy important. For Big ones there shops and with using hands, words and last but definitely not least: your MOUTH(and what’s in it). But when you already has to live with a “flat tire”(no problem), DON’T WEAR AN “ADONIS”-SWIMSHORT!! I understand pretty wel you want people to see as some kind of Greek-Goddish. But that movie endedaboutthirtyfive years ago!!

  5. Be nice, this guy looks alot better than some other 30, 40 and 50 something’s

  6. Have you never heard the saying ‘ It’s not the size that matters, It’s what you do with it’ ?

  7. “Have you never heard the saying ‘ It’s not the size that matters, It’s what you do with it’ ?”
    Sure we have heard this, it’s bullshit. Nicola your bf must have a teeny weenie. ==D

  8. For a guy over 60 years old, I think Rod looks fantabulous.
    I’d hit it.

  9. Look at Rod’s KNEES. They are drooping about 10 inches below where they once were.

  10. I suppose size does matter if you have a sloppy orifice..!!

  11. re:gerard Vandenberg what the hell are you trying to say?!
    Rod is still the best in all he does!

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