Where was Rob Pattinson today? Was he resting on his laurels after his movie “Eclipse” took in 68.5 million dollars and topped “Transformers 2” for the biggest Wednesday opening night EVER? Hardly. The main reason for Eclipse’s success was working on the LA set of his new movie “Water for Elephants” and looking yummy in a vintage tuxedo. SO yummy, that he has to be escorted to and from his trailer.

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  1. As the saying goes, no one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the public.

  2. ……..just wait for john delorean to enter the scene.

  3. He looked really good in Vanity Fair ,(make up, photography) and the movie series, otherwise, not so hot.
    Taylor will Eclipse Rob in the long run.

  4. He’s cute but GAY so I’m not wasting my time swooning.

  5. Am I the only one that thinks that Rob Pattinson is not very attractive? I think with his longer hair he sometimes looks a bit sexy, but he not that good looking. I just don’t get all the attraction to him.

  6. No Bu, you are NOT alone. I call him Triangle Head, because that seems to describe his appearance best as far as I can see. I’m betting a few years from now nobody will remember who the hell he is, and it won’t be soon enough for me. Talk about overexposed and famouse for NOTHING! CGI is NOT acting!

  7. After seeing Eclipse, I’m rooting for Taylor 100%. Pattinson’s appeal will soon be lost.

  8. He’ll always be Cedric Diggory to me. “Harry, take my body back. Take my body back to my parents Harry.” Like Harry didn’t have enough to worry about, trying to stay alive against Voldemort! Thanks for putting extra strain in him, Cedric! sheesh…(heh)

  9. Betty, how was eclipse?? I loved Twilight but HATED new Moon. All that wolf stuff is stupid to me and the sweeping cinematography of the first one was missing much to my chagrin.

  10. Never seen any of this vampire stuff. Really don’t know this Rob guy. Just doesn’t seem interesting.

  11. Taylor is a closeted Gay young man…He will be outed and not go too far! There are ppl that are out to out him asap! Sad but true!

  12. I am laughing at those of you who are so unimpressed or anti-Rob yet still feel the need comment. You know, in the dictionary under Redundant, it says ‘see Redundant’. Why bother commenting at all?

    Thanks for this article Janet and for telling it like it is. Rob is the sole reason this mediocre sage is a hit.

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