It’s nothing new for costars to fall in love during the making of a movie, but in Rob Pattinson’s case, the costar was an elephant. (So Kristen Stewart has nothing to worry about.) Before Rob signed for his role in “Water for Elephants,” the director introduced him to Tai his elephant costar, and Rob was immediately enchanted. He loves animals and agreed to take the part. Reese Witherspoon did most of the on-camera stunts with Tai, but Rob learned a few of his own, just for fun. Rob let her pick him up and he rode around on her. The director observed that Tai developed real feelings for Pattinson (like almost every other woman alive) and it was obvious when they were together. As for Rob, he cried on Tai’s last day of shooting.

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  1. rob is a wonderful person. true!

  2. I read an interview with him today, and he came across as serious and intelligent, and quite invested in this movie. I haven’t read the book but I may see the movie. I will of course wait a couple of weeks to avoid the twi-hard groupies.

  3. I’ve seen him on several interviews and he comes across as humble, funny and sharp. Wasn’t it on Leno when he told the funny story about Tai the elephant farting in Reese’s face? He’s handsome and a bit unpolished and I hope he can remain that way.

  4. Well, to say his acting was wooden in Twilight is being kind. I’ll wait to read the reviews for this one.

  5. I read in two mags that this co-workers on set stated that he did not like to shower often or use deodorant.

  6. Hey Indy,
    I’ve read the same thing over the years about Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey,Colin James Farrell, & others. I wonder if it is true or if they are on a health quest and don’t use anything with aluminum in it??? My granddaughters adore Robert Pattison (Twilight).

    on a lighter note…….

    During one of the prayers at church services this morning, one of the deacons had a bit of gas and managed to squeeze out a beauty much to the horror of his wife and the delight of the small kids. No one said anything but everyone was trying to hide the grins and snickering. It’s life. It’s natural and it happens several times a year. Just like a school kid, I always find it amusing and have to pinch myself to keep from laughing. Hope it’s not me next week. lol

  7. So tired of Rpatz, the Twilight rubbish and Reece. I need a cocktail..

  8. this “Trunk” reminds him to the dildo he last bought for his boy friend.

  9. Walt….I’ve read this, too, about these stinkers.

    LOL, yeah, church has a lot of funny unexpected things happening. PS: I believe these may be the last days, as the entire Universe is in upheavals, sufferings, miseries, earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, economic collapse,….all things that were predicted.

  10. Robert P. was on Regis/Kelly Live today. He still looks like he needed a shower and his clothes didn’t look fresh.

    And RE: Reese Witherspoon, I don’t believe I have ever seen such a long, thin,sharp-pointed chin. And yet she makes million$ per movie.

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