Photo Credit: Splash News

Rihanna and her mother Monica left Barbados together – most likely Rihanna wants to show her mother the house in Bel Air that she plans to buy. She is cleverly keeping her feelings toward Chris Brown under wraps. No one knows for sure if they are apart or together- and that’s the way she wants it.

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  1. Of course they are together. Once Brown plea bargains his way out of it he is going to beat Rihanna good this time, not just the light pimp-slapping she got last time. The head Pimp Jay-Zee wants her to learn the lessons.He is to get 80% of her earnings or else!

  2. I am certain the ghetto rats will continue to but merchandise from both of these clowns no matter what the outcome.

  3. Who cares? People should stop buying all their crap.

  4. If people were smart, which they aren’t, they would boycott all these “artists” who are criminals. I find it hilarious she supposedly doesn’t want anyone to know if she is or isn’t with Chris Brown. Who gives a crap? She deserves what she gets, if she stays with a guy like that. Good luck to her. I’ve never bought any of her music and never will. Ditto for Chris Brown and all the other ghetto musicians.

  5. If Rhianna has even a fraction of a brain, she will kick woman beater Chris Brown to the curb, and move on with her life. As for Chris, his true side is out now, so it will be interesting to see if he can even get a date. Although there will be the pathetic little groupies who won’t care that he beats women, just as long as they can say they were with him.

  6. Mama came straight to the airport from the bordello.

  7. If you wonder why rhinna is a wortless ho, just look at her mother. That should fill in the gaps.

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