Along came the pandemic and we forgot all about Richard Gere. He became single in 2016 when his divorce from Carey Lowell was finalized (She remarked that she fell in love with his CHARACTER in An Officer and a Gentleman)- they had a cute son, Homer, who’s 22 now. After dating various pretty young women, Gere, now 72, settled on Spanish publicist/political activist Alejandra Silva (who is 33 years younger than he is) and they got married in 2018. She comes from a wealthy Spanish family and went to school in the US. They already have two young sons – age 2 and 3. The Gere family lives at his NY ranch but they often vacation in Spain. We remember back in the 80’s when Richard’s career was red HOT, that jealous guys liked to insist that Richard was gay, but it turned out they were wrong…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-US – This week the Geres appeared at a fund-raiser in Marbella.

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  1. I’m sorry, but why do men in their 70’s have children? That’s unfair to the kids.

  2. Theres something homophobic about this post. C’mon Janet, it that really necessary.

  3. Any man that has height in stature and is classically chiseled jaw and high cheekbones and good facial bone structure hence ti heterosexual females is deemed a handsome male or attractiveness of pretty boy beauty and or genteel class or high verbal articulated speech is always condescended via jealous males and called down via boorish lugs that have zero aesthetics nor any intellectual brilliance whatsoever that women are attracted to. Hence unattractive men resort to calling attractive men that they know very well that the majority of women deem attractive as “f@g” or gay of effeminate or any other put down questioning the attractive male’s heterosexuality because they are resentment that the attractive male is adored by women with no effort but a simply smile , yet the typical average man has to overcompensate with all kinds of text book games of steroids and muscle building of hunting and playing team sports or fighting as they aren’t even 6 feet tall nor are they attractive to females so they’re lack of success in the dating market makes them worry that they will be thought of as homosexuals themselves so what they do is reverse psychology and PROJECT outwards their own worry that their lack of an attractive female in their life onto men that are surrounded easily with attractive women left , right,and centre in the erroneous appraisal that pretty boys all “must” be ostensibly homosexual.
    Wrong !
    Envy is sooo transparent and ugly

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