Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

There’s a REASON why “Gossip Girl” Taylor Momsen ,17, towers over everyone in this photo. Actually she’s around 5’8”, but her incredible pistol platform heels add another eight-plus inches. She’s pictured here tottering out of Radio One studios in the UK where she performed with her band “Pretty Reckless.” Presumably she’ll hook up with Madonna and Lourdes while she’s in town – Taylor is the spokes- model for their Material Girl fashion line.

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  1. The name of the band should be changed to “Pretty Pathetic”.

  2. To all those young people out there:

    Stop pissing your youth away making yourself look ugly like this. You will regret it when you are older.

    So to all the girls who dress like goth whores or get tramp stamps, all the boys with baggy-assed pants and trucker caps suction cupped to their heads, and all you tatoo addicts, etc., etc.: Stop!!!

    Make the best of your thinness and freshness while you have it. It only comes along once.

  3. Aw poor little rich girl playing the “nobody understands how deep I am” card. I can’t get over the fact that she’s only 17!!!!

    She’s every shade of trying too hard. I just want to dip her in some bleach and scrub away the desperation.

  4. Sebastian: SOOOO true. That’s the irony of life. We all play grown-ups in our youth until we actually grow up then it’s like “what’s the fuss all about?”

  5. Sally, you were either an 80’s or 90’s kid, right?

    Wouldn’t you say that the trends of those decades allowed teens and young adults exploit their your by either looking beautiful and glamourous, or flaunting their youthful qualities?

    This past decade is frightening the way it has robbed the young of their chance to be pretty, cool kids.

  6. She looks like a scary ghoul ready for a freak show movie.

  7. Sebastian: I was def an 80’s kid and grew up with the best shows, awesome music, and cartoons. My brothers and I actually played outside for hours at a time and actually did kid stuff. Kids today are minature adults with their cell phones, trashy music, violent video games and such. They don’t seem to have hobbies, but can tell you exactly what reality show is on at what time. It’s pretty disturbing.

  8. Also my parents ensured us kids had rules and boundaries so we were never really out of line. We actually had bed times and weren’t allowed to watch TV after a certain time. Incidentally, those rules and regulations made want to grow up quick so I could actually stay up past my bed time lol.

  9. What happened to her? It’s hard to believe that she was Cindy Lou Who in How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey. What happended to that little girl? Where did her parents screw up? Very sad life she’s living now.

  10. I thought heroin chic was over with? YUK. She looks like canned ass.

  11. Looks, clothes, and actions say an awful lot; therefore, this misguided youth will have either: an STD, a baby, a drug prob, an alcohol prob, a man prob, a mental prob, (or a combination) all before the age of 20.

  12. Is that her band around her? That raises another issue. Why is it – generally speaking – that girls put themselves out there like that, are hyper-sexual, dramatic, whatever, and the guys just look like crap? It is the ultimate backlash to feminism, when females have to package themselves to such an extent, but the males can look like any bum off the street.

  13. Toss her in the shower and give her a good scrub down, she is dirty and looks like she has an STD, or three

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