Paula Abdul discovered a whole new way to be self indulgent. According to the New York Post, Paula has a personal eyelash specialist on call whenever she needs him. (Which is pretty often!) This beauty expert by the name of Jamal Buster is a freelance eyelash expert and he comes running whenever Paula is doing a photoshoot, TV appearance, award show, or just plain going out. He applies her false eyelashes and adds rhinestones or feathers for special occasions. First eyebrow specialists, now eyelash specialists – what next?
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ok.. loved paula’s performance
I want whatever pills shes on.
Is that a wig, or extensions? I believe she has had a nervous breakdown. She has fully admitted she can’t find a husband and is not likely to, what with her many divorces and busy schedule on A.I. I think she is basically unhappy, even tho she makes tons of money and has a big big house.
What a bitter, fat old nasty couch cow you are Bev!
If you can never say anything nice…well, keep on pounding the Sara Lee cakes poopsy.
Come on back Art, your missed.
Your TITS are definitely a mistake.
Patrick.Are”nt you a drunk in canada? Nough said
Pretty hot for an old broad. Plus she is crazy, which means she is nasty in bed.
Perhaps a clothing specialist. She’s not 25 anymore and those boobs shouldn’t be smooshed together and hanging out of her dress.
Patrick and Art Freak are the Same person? Who Knew?
Paula is a skank along with the rest of the idol gang.
Just had to chime in. Eyelash specialists are old news. I’m a boring housewife, and I’ve had one for 4 years. When I’m going out she puts in individual false lashes for an even, full look. It’s fun and makes me feel a little prettier.
okay art the fart chic we got the message…..your bev and desperate for attention, turns “GAY”, HOWS THAT PIG IN A BLANKET?
Trust me.Im not the fey Art Chic.Id rather sit on a rusty hanger.
No Bendi, I’m not Art…lol.
Are you?
No Patrick Im not either.Now come rub my feet.
Too much clevage is TMI. too much information. (dont wanna see it)
or, TMI too much implants.
No BBW’s Bevvy poo.
Something is wrong with her. She can’t sit still on A.I., and she waves and crosses her elbows a lot. When will someone find out her problem?