We’re always happy when another negative Scientology story is printed and this time director Paul Haggis, (“Million Dollar Baby” and “Crash”) who left the cult, spilled the beans to New Yorker magazine. He covered a lot of familiar territory and pointed out that the Scientology schools (like the one Will and Jada Smith started) give limited and highly questionable educations and emphasized that most high ranking Scientologists are school drop-outs. (When Haggis’s daughter left Scientology school at 11 to attend a regular school she was surprised to find out she was “illiterate.”) Besides all the usual weirdness, the article also says the FBI is investigating the cult for “human trafficking abuses.” Good. Now what we need is the IRS to force this cult to pay taxes. If it means ALL religions must be taxed- so be it! One more thing – Haggis says “These people have long memories” and he bets that within 2 years we’ll be reading a scandal about him that seems to have nothing to do with the church.
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Janet, in America people are free to choose what religion they follow. Maybe Scientology seems strange to you but some ‘mainstream’ religions are pretty bizarre also with concepts like burning bushes, turning fish into loaves of bread, drinking blood and eating flesh-symbolically and cutting off a man’s foreskin and wearing skull caps and running Hollywood.
He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t end up a “Scientology suicide” by drowning in a dry tub or shooting himself 3 or 4 times in the head.
We do know from the little Pinkett-SMith girl that they don’t teach “the maths”.
I agree w/ Seriously? — I thought the same thing. BTW, the entire article is available online via the New Yorker web site. 🙂
Being a person who is not personally acquainted with any religion, I do sort of agree with “pippa”. They all have their weird customs and practices.
I am very curious about all of the religions and believe that they all have some good points, as well as bad. Will definitely be reading the article in the NYorker about Mr Haggis.
All religions, in one way or another tend to try to brainwash their congregations aginst outside “worldly” influences. Some of these religions are even the cause the of some of the most horrendous situations taking place in our world today. All in the name of Religion.
Can’t we all just get along!!
I a
The things that people do in the name of religion is baffling and unfortunate.
Oops about above post. Last 2 lines were supposed to be deleted. I-Pads fault!!
pst: when you’re born as a LOSER and love to hear the AAAAH’s. IIIIIIIIIIIH’s & OOOOOOH’s of people……….YOU GO & JOIN THE SCIENTOLOGY-MOVEMENT!!!
A friend of mine’s father was murdered by the Church of Scientology. He was a judge who presided over a case involving the “Church.” It’s all public record, has been documented by the LA Times etc. Hopefully as scurrilous as Scientologists remain, they no longer resort to murder for revenge.
Interesting comments. There’s a big difference between ordinary religion and a cult however.
Here’s the link to the Paul Haggis article:
I’ve posted this before…..I live near Graceland. Several years ago, Lisa Marie Presley almost lost her life because of Scientology. She had bronchitis/pneumonia and the goon SCI doctor put her on a heavy regimen of their weird vitamin combo. She almost died; it was in our paper and quickly covered up. As we know, she is still in SCI, much to the delight of tiny terrible Cruise-meister, and still funneling mucho dinero into this mind-bending cult.
Scientology makes me shudder. It amazes me that so many people can be sucked into this cult. I can’t help but wonder just how many want out and can’t get out.
If Cruise or Travolta wanted out, I wonder what the cult would actually do. Of course, with all the “auditing” or whatever they call it, there’s plenty of info to blackmail them. Scary stuff.
I believe in God and I read the bible (although not as much as I need to). I am proud to be able to choose my religion and thankful that I live in a country where this is possible.
How is it possible that Scientology can exist in this day and age? Scientology was designed to make money not to save souls. How did seemingly normal people turn to a “religion” without God?
I can guarantee the life of Paul Haggis is in jeopardy, to what degree is unknown. If the biggies, Travolta, Cruise, Alley, Will Smith, ever left (which is unlikely) you can bet they would be harrassed for a long time. Cruise pounded SCI into Nicole until she said enough and quit, thus losing her children, and I think the tiny great one tried to threaten her career. There’s a lot about their divorce that is still being hushed up, but it all centers around SCI.
^^^ I wondered about that myself. In the N’Yorker article it points out that one of the major SCI centers is located in Nashville—(which is where Nicole Kidman now resides).
Judging from a current news photo, David Miscavige (SCI CEO) appears to be about a FOOT SHORTER than even Tom Cruise. Seems to support the root of the abusive Napoleonic tendencies being alleged against him in the FBI probe.
Never fear the truth.. simply don’t do something embarassing in the first place. As for taxing churches.. if they use the money, contributions of charity.. to help the poor, abandoned and handicapped then no tax, but if they use if for personal gain .. ho ho ho! Will you rob God?
Thanks for the link Rick. That article (very well written) was a real eye opener.
To: Walt Cliff:….Your last post above was just beautiful. If I had written it, I would be roundly cussed and discussed by our long lost friends, SebastianCanada and Reta. (LOL). Some day these misguided Scientologists will realize that they are in reality following Satan and will spend eternity in H***. See Ephesians Chapter 2, verses 9 and 10.
^^^^^^^Make that Ephesians, Chapter 2, verses 5 through 10. Sorry
Indy, you’re religion is no less ridiculous than theirs.
‘You’re’ – means you are. This should be ‘your’, not ‘you’re’.
Seems a grammar lesson is needed almost as much as a Sunday School lesson. uh oh
Sure thing Denise. Loooong article but not at all boring and well worth the read.
There is no doubt whatsoever that CoS is not a religion, but a cult. There is a world of difference.
Willow smith is so uneducated. That girl will struggle the rest of her life trying to play catch up without some real formal education under her belt.
God hates spelling police Indy.
It was an interesting article, but the revelations that SCI has many cult-like characteristics is hardly earth-shattering.
The fact is that some people are more susceptible (for whatever reason) to cults than others. Haggis is obviously one of those people—having spent virtually his entire adult life in SCI, and by his own admission, having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and “course fees.”
He’s no hero in my book, just someone who finally woke up to the obvious.
Oh, and SCI spokesman Tommy Davis comes off as a PATHOLOGICAL liar. Given that his parents (actress Anne Archer and producer Terry Jastrow) are also long-time members, you have to wonder whether he ever stood a chance to experience “normality.”
If something creeps you out and you feel no confort or joy in that place..It is better to leave and hit the road and some times it could be boring and not worth while going to church and of course I rather sleep in and stay out late on Saturday instead and some people like the company of other people at this locations and just talk about all the issues that want to be addressed but it is up to that person if they don’t want to hang out and go to that place and maybe some one really give that person the creeps or maybe they want too much or maybe they feel used but if your not happy! Don’t stay…Leave and never go back. Mr Paul Haggis it did not feel right to you and that is the reason your not going back and you have to do what works well for you.
Who are you going to follow in life and who are you going to look to? Myself and that is something I Can trust and to follow a man? It is really up to people who want to follow? What ever makes a person happy and gives them joy and makes them feel safe is key.
Church and other Cults can take advantage and use you up and Drain you of your faith and some people turn a blind eye to it and some people cut there lost and hit the road leaving this people to stand on there own two feet.