
Ashley Judd is enjoying a career boost thanks to her new movie “Divergent.“ She arrived at the LA premier looking glamorous but apparently without her race car driver husband Dario Franchitti. They announced that they were splitting up in January 2013, but the following October his car crashed at the Grand Prix and she nursed him back to health. They SEEMED to be back together but not quite. Now Ashley is wistfully saying “He’ll always be my loved one ” and it sounds like they’re not as romantic as they used to be. She toyed with the idea of politics but thought the better of it, and came back to acting.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Both she and her mother are certifiable delusional loonies. She couldn’t keep hubby home and saw herself as a Senator and that scared the party to death as a sure defeat. Two minutes with Ashley and you understand it all. She understands nothing.

  2. Don’t know–or care to know–anything about her politics, but
    IMHO, she’s one of the most beautiful women on the screen. Ava Gardner-esqe; Ashley in “Ruby in Paradise” is a treat.

  3. Strom you cushion farted davenport. So the hosptial for the criminally nsane lets you have 24 access. gross. if they only knew.

  4. Dario Franchitti was injured in an Indycar race in Houston. They call it a ‘Grand Prix’ but it has nothing to do with Bernie Ecclestone’s Formula One. Dario’s cousin Paul Di Resta raced in F1 last year.

  5. @Angelo- truth hurts, I know. Strom is rite unfortunately. When he is, he is, no denial.

  6. Poor little Angelo.

    No one ever said Dario was hurt in F1…it was Indy Car. He was smart enough to get out of the marriage.

    No one ever asks the Judds of the scam of the Final Tour when Naomi was supposed to be dying…..many years ago and she took the money and ran.

  7. The entire family is insane, and they don’t seem to be able to stand one another

  8. The dumb liberal c*nt was smart enough to know she isn’t a good politician. When will she get smart to realize she isn’t a good actress either?

  9. Nope, she thought she was a great politician, maybe the next President. It took Bill Clinton to talk her out of it.

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