
As we told you not long ago, Eva Longoria won’t fly anywhere without her special travel pillow. It’s been her flight companion for many years. Recently she was alarmed to learn that Brookstone stopped making her beloved pillow. She sent out a desperate tweet asking the company to please resume making her favorite pillow. So many people retweeted the message to Brookstone that they responded and said “We’d love to make it again.” Eva was amazed by her own fame and power

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Second story on the self obsessed Eva w/ wig and much makeup in a short time. She is talentless except in seeking fame and a discredit to her race. She was happy w/LACK Tony but he not w/ her.

    She is only a border rat, plain and simple.

  2. I don’t get her appeal at all. Cute with a nice figure but zero acting talent. I’m surprised she still has fans (what has she done lately?) that they would bother about a pillow that a celeb could easily have a seamstress/tailor make for her whenever she needed a new one.

  3. This is a nothing story provided by Eva’s PR people.

    She has seen how the talentless Jlo has gotten rich while playing the Hispanic card when it suits her. Eva is also happy to provide sex to BLACK men and also is a very plain looking Hispanic woman without wigs and makeup.

  4. What’s the big deal about that pillow? It looks like any other pillow.

  5. Dear Trojan Manufacturing, Inc:

    Please, please, bring back The Magnum XXL!

  6. Even Pepper is 100x more appealing than strom. Yeah, strom, you suck big time. More peopel prefer Pepper than you. Even on cloudy days. Haha. Your the A-hole everyone loves to hate. Keep coming A-Hole! We’ll give it back. After all, we are you’re only relationships.

  7. Poor Angelo the stalker

    Eva has seen how the talentless Jlo has gotten rich while playing the Hispanic card when it suits her. Eva is also happy to provide sex to BLACK men and also is a very plain looking Hispanic woman without wigs and makeup.

  8. Who is she? I didn’t know this site covers non celebrities.

  9. Poor little 998, hiding behind all those names. Jealous of Strom it seems. Better get ready so you wont miss the Gay March!

    Eva is another self delusional who was happy to go BLACK and then go young, and not ready to go anywhere!

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