No Means No

In 2002 some people hadn’t learned about approaching some celebrities…
Too much caffeine? Bruce Willis walked out of a Coffee Bean in Westwood and a young woman ran up and asked if she could take a picture with him. He said no as he walked to his waiting car. The gal whined “Please! Just one quick picture!”
Bruce snapped “What don’t you understand about the word NO!”
The woman was taken aback “I always thought you were so NICE!”
Bruce put his face up to hers and hissed “I’m not here to entertain you – put your damn camera away.” With that, he got in his car and left.

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7 thoughts on “No Means No

  1. Totally in his rights but hey, at least the girl asked and didnt just snap away.

  2. Arsehole Bruce Willis, he’s not hot looking anyway..
    So the girl saved herself some film.

  3. Bruce Willis is a creep. Listen to his voice. No, he isn’t here to entertain us because he’s a lousy actor.

  4. So, when he does promos over and over for his new movies (does he have any?) we can tell him, “What don’t you understand about the word NO!”
    What a big ass baby. He knew the deal before he signed on for it.

  5. I think he was right. You don’t have to give up your whole life to be an actor. The woman pays her $10 or whatever to go to a movie. Her $10 doesn’t give her the right to be intrusive and whiny in his personal life.

  6. Of course he has the right to say no, but according to the story, SHE was not being “nasty” to him. You can say no to someone without being hateful.

  7. I don’t blame him. People should leave stars alone when they are in public unless they initiate that they want people to approach them. Some of you people are such idiots about how you fawn over people who mesmerize lines for a living.

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