#nicolekidman #katieholmes #janetcharlton
The new Vanity Fair magazine article about Scientology is bound to have two famous readers – Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes. Tom Cruise’s ex-wives are both unable to speak their minds about the cult but they are relieved when information is revealed. And since Vanity Fair is such a respected publication, people are taking notice. Both of them are aware they met Tom while “auditioning” for him. Nicole knows her children Connor and Bella were turned against her when she left Scientology. She was named a “suppressive person” and they avoid her company. Katie didn’t want that to happen to her, so she orchestrated her divorce so that she has more control over Suri’s life. These two women know they must remain silent about the subject of Scientology because they still fear repercussions. And they are NOT in communication with each other.
Are we really supposed to believe that both of these women didn’t sign agreements BEFORE they got married and DIDN’T know what they were doing? Either they are both very stupid or money grubbers just like the creep they married. Tom is obviously gay and joined the cult to help him hide the fact for fame and money.
I don’t think Tom is gay, and I also am not convinced Katie and Nicole don’t talk by secure phone all the time. There’s no advantage of having anyone besides themselves know that.
I think Nicole married for love, and Katie married for love and career advancement. That said, why isn’t the IRS investigating scientology for their corruption, and cult status? The FBI has taken down plenty of cults, why not scientology?
If this is true, and Katie and Nicole are afraid of “repercussions” if they talk about Scientology, shouldn’t that convince people what asshole nutjobs Scientologists are and why the “religion” should be investigated thorouhly by the FBI as Bluejay has suggested? Any kind of organization that all but insisted that I cut ties with my family and friends isn’t worth the man I was marrying. At ALL.
If this is true, and Katie and Nicole are afraid of “repercussions” if they talk about Scientology, shouldn’t that convince people what asshole nutjobs Scientologists are and why the “religion” should be investigated thoroughly by the FBI as Bluejay has suggested? Any kind of organization that all but insisted that I cut ties with my family and friends isn’t worth the man I was marrying. At ALL.
I think Tom is gay, but not 100% sure. The for sure thing is that SCIentology is his first love. Many videos have been posted of the tiny one and SCI leader, David Miscavage saluting, embracing and looking at one another with pure love in their eyes. I’ve said it before: Could Nicole and Katie not Google SCI and perceive with common sense what they were getting themselves into. And not only them, all the other idiots that are throwing money into it should WAKE UP. I pray this is the beginning of the end for SCIentology; I don’t know how, just praying.
Maybe they were “intoxicated” with the thoughts of fame and flattered they were the chosen. Both were young and when you think of the millions of young women that have been on the “fee” couch with some sleazy person thinking that it will propel the career maybe it seemed ok. Also who hasn’t run with the wrong crowd in their lifetime? This is just on a bigger scale!
I mean is there anything more ridiculous than this? why would anyone even entertain this auditioning crap for one second? pretty good for a guy who doesnt even own an Oscar, I dont know if I have any sympathy for these women anymore it kind of serves them right for trying to screw their way up the ladder nobody talks about that aspect of it
According to VF the auditions were for a movie but turns out to be something else I don’t think Tom agreeing to an arranged marriage is so bad as long as both are upfront about their intentions. Tom was not if the VF article was to be believed.
My two cents: both of them knew what they were getting into to some extent, probably no idea of the real crazy he is. They both wanted to make it big in Hollywood and he seemed like the ticket to do that.
i find it insane to buy that anyone with as much MONEY as these people are afraid of anyone or anything…..
I think it easy to become infatuated and caught in the net that Tom Cruise throws out. He probably assures them that his Scientology is to enhance their spiritual beliefs and not to worry that no one is asking her to “convert” from her religious beliefs. It is easy to be involved with someone of other beliefs when you believe someone else is not going to try to drag you into their way of thinking. I think Nicole and Tom would still be married if that live and let thing was true and accurate. Those scientolgist crapped on that after Nicole did not emmerse herself in that rot. Penny knew she couldn’t and got the hell outta Dodge. Katie, too, probably thought Catholicism and scientology could live parallel lives since Tom told her so in the beginning. Both wives gave it a go and decided in the words of ee cummings “there is some shit I will not eat” but NIcole still thought her and Tom could stay married, but that church thought different of that. Katie on the other hand, quietly planned her escape! Both girls are winners in my eyes, though Nicole had to leave the kids behind.
I agree with the career thing. It was a good move, especially on Nicole’s part. He gave her a major leg-up. Unfortunately for Katie, by the time she married him people thought he was totally nuts. They were never going to be a ‘golden couple’. Instead it was all ‘free Katie’.
I wonder how all this will end? It surely won’t be pretty.
What are they going to say to each other?
“Oh by the way Katie, you’re a stupid c#nt for marrying Tom.”
“You too, Nicole, you too.”
THE TRUTH IS THEY BOTH KNEW WHAT THEY ARE GETTING INTO.They are in no shape or form victims here because they both knew what’s going on when they signed Tommy’s bearding contract.He got himself a beard and they got themselves more money,more exposure and more fame.
ONE Word – Scientology = Devil!!!
Hollywood is the Devil’s no. 1 playground and when you are not putting God first the Devil will play with those who play on the enemies playground and he is fierce leaving people afraid, leaving people scared, leaving people desperate ~ the Devil is our Enemy and he will use, abuse, kill, steal and destroy to ruin humans
The only way to turn it around is to ask the Lord for forgiveness & rebuke the Devil in Jesus Name & then you will have fear turned into faith as well as the ability to forgive others & the ability to truly live life in peace
Yes, you may have to give up your riches and your gold and your fame but peace is forever the rest is not
Think what you may but try it and the results will speak volumes – don’t take my word for it – try it
When God is for you and you are for God then whom can be against you – no one – because God will protect you and you have an eternity w/ the Lord
I agree with JoJo if it was a mere business arrangement both parties would benefit with each passing marriage Tom looks worse and worse.
I mean don’t you think they would’ve ended on good terms if it was a business arrangement.
Katie will say nothing nice(or mean) about Tom directly
And Nicole makes it a point to not mention him either.
…they’re still mentally dependable of these people?
Ha they are arrogant WHITEs and doubts that they have a spare 100k around so the money is as likely to be paid as a WHITE is to leave a waitress a tip, Nada!
Nothing is as arrogant as a self important WHITES and these two shows why. Good thing the photo was from the front because their cabooses is as wide or wider than even Fatty Arbucles! And even whiter!
@JWIS, thanks for the laugh. you are kidding right ?
Poor little imposter came back from the Call Center. It just can’t help itself and wants to be like Strom when it grows up!
I’m with jojo on this one.
Strom, no one on the planet wants to be you, and don’t confuse mocking with ridicule !!!