Nick Cannon has something that Kanye West will never have: manners. According to, Nick was flying solo when a snarky flight attendant quite deliberately called him “Mr Carey.” Nick COULD have reacted in any number of ways, but he chose to keep silent and simply give the steward a meaningful LOOK. Imagine what would have happened to a guy who referred to Kanye West as “Mr Kardashian.” (We have to make an exception for that bozo in Beverly Hills who insulted Kim with the n-word among other things. He had it coming.)
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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THAT guy may have had it coming, but Kanye is an idiot for letting the guy manipulate him into behaving in an equally unacceptable manner. Seriously, what an emotional weakling!
I still say that whole incident was staged. No photos of the guy’s injuries. Plenty of pictures of Kanye’s hands in Paris, without a single mark on them. No way he punched somebody thirty times. Another drama courtesy of Pimp Granny.
I’m with Palermo. Also, the witnesses never heard him threaten Kim or make the racist remarks, its not on the tape the paps made when he opened the door for her. Yeah, I think this is more pr bs.
Nick Cannon does seem nice. A friend of ours was on his tv show, got up to the finals in it, and said he was very nice.
I like Nick Cannon. I hope he continues to be successful.
He, no doubt, puts up with a great deal. She has a great opinion of herself.
Some people have a terrible temper that they can’t control; other people are raised properly.
are, mariah is pushing him in he right direction.he has to, otherwise she fills for a divorce.
Yes Nick is a good guy. I agree. As for that stunt that Kanye and Kim Kardashin pulled it was all lies. I doubt he called her any such thing. If she was afraid for her life she would call the cops and not the nutcase Kanye Kardashian the wimp of all wimps. They just wanted more press and got it. Plus if West doesn’t like the N word stop using it so much when you know it is white kids who buy the shit you put out and make you all so rich. What grade a-ahole these two are.
Good for Nick but that flight attendant should be looking for a new job. Insults to the customers are completely out of line.