We were SO happy to hear that Dr Jack Kevorkian,79, is planning to run for congress in Michigan. It was a great injustice when Dr Jack, a right to die advocate, had to spend eight years in prison for his progressive ideas and involvement in assisted suicide. He believes in PERSONAL FREEDOM, and we do too. Apparently some religions do not. We urge Michigan residents to get out and vote for this courageous man. Maybe he’ll drag congress into the 21st century.

About The Author


  1. I admire this man’s conviction and I have always thought he was right!

  2. He is nothing but a murderer. I thought the bastard was dead already! To bad!

  3. Are you kidding me? That man is scary!! How about we send him to California and you can put him in YOUR congress — we have enough problems here in Michigan without him!

  4. I hope he wins Congressman in Michigan. Then he’ll be able to see up close and personal all the closet fags, adulterers, dopeheads, etc. Their wives might be interested to learn how he administered the assisted suicides. They can learn to be discreet, very discreet, about it.

  5. I actually agree with you, Janet. For some reason, Christians like to tell people they have to have children they do not want and that they have to live if they do not want to because to do otherwise would “interfere” with G-d’s plan. BUT, they have no problem using fertility drugs which INTERFERES with G-d’s plan!
    Rock on, Janet!

  6. The fabulous Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisted suicides. That makes him a murderer. I know that Californians and resultant airheads could never comprehend that notion.
    WOW, babygreens. You sound angry. You sound very much like an intolerant, hateful, narrow minded liberal. Perhaps a little psychotherapy would help.

  7. Actually I am quite tolerant. What I am, however, is sick and tired of people butting into OTHER PEOPLE’S lives. How is that hateful?
    Perhaps you, 7:57 AM, who hides in anonymity, needs therapy.
    P.S. – I’m an Independent, NOT a liberal 😀

  8. Actually I am quite tolerant. What I am, however, is sick and tired of people butting into OTHER PEOPLE’S lives. How is that hateful?
    Perhaps you, 7:57 AM, who hides in anonymity, needs therapy.
    P.S. – I’m an Independent, NOT a liberal 😀

  9. This man was sent to earth by Jesus and his wife Mary to cleanse our sins and deliver us from evil and suffering. I am convinced of this. Even Oprah is a big fan of this man and his miracles.

  10. Picture yourself with some painful disease that only ends in death. I’ve seen a friend die from cancer and it was horrible.
    Go Jack! This man is light years beyond his time.
    Not everyone will agree with him, but when you watch someone throw up black stuff and beg to die, day after day, you might feel differently.

  11. Jack is awesome. You “life at all costs” people are morons. I believe in the QUALITY of life and unlike YOU – I would more than be happy checking out before I would allow myself an undignified existance – like not being able to control my bowels, living in horrible pain or Vegging out like Terri Schivo was forced to. GO JACK K!!! …and while we are on this subject – can you send a few gift certificates to the dumbo, emotional drones complaining about you on this site?! I would like to see less of these stupid tyrants in this world who feel entitled to tell me how to live. Some things are worse than death people. Mind your own business and I’ll mind mine!

  12. Keep him far away from me if I end up in a hospital!!!! He’s scary and it’s scary to think some people like his idea of “assisted suicide” (murder by someone who fools the public and gets off killing people). Most murderers should be so lucky to have such loving support. Why doesn’t he follow his own advice and kill himself instead?

  13. We love our pets enough to euthanize them when we know that their lives are going to end and they are suffering. I’d like to have the same option! It ridiculous that we are not allowed to choose.

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