The more we hear Kanye West raving about his own unlimited talent, the more we are reminded of a young Muhammed Ali. Back in the day, the acclaimed young boxer proclaimed things like “I am the GREATEST – and I’m PRETTY!” (He was) But he had a sense of humor that made it palatable. While Kanye is certainly an exceptional musician, he goes way over the top declaring to a W Magazine writer: “Nobody can tell me where I can and can’t go. Man, I’m the No. 1 living and breathing rock star. I am Axl Rose; I am Jim Morrison; I am Jimi Hendrix!”
The W writer says that Kanye was in Paris during Kim’s pregnancy learning about art, architecture, and design while putting together his loft apartment. He already regrets buying the 9000 sq ft gaudy McMansion in Beverly Hills because it lacks architectural significance. As eager to learn as Kanye seems to be, he says he’s “an intellect who doesn’t like to read.” He and Kris Jenner just don’t seem terribly fond of each other and we wonder if there will EVER be a wedding.

Right Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. God, he’s such an idiot. How long will it take Kim to wake up and see she has gotten herself into another mess. She will not live in Paris.

  2. “Kanye is certainly an exceptional musician…”

    Uh, no. Not according to ANYONE who understands what an exceptional musician is. Apparently, Janet, that doesn’t include you…

  3. I had to go check YouTube to see if Kanye is really an “exceptional musician”. Guess not. How do these egomaniacs get jobs, contracts and fans? I’m sorry, but I’m not buying in. No, I’m not a rap fan, although there have been a few that have caught my interest. I remember watching Kanye & Jay Z perform on some awards show and everyone was reacting like they were brilliant. It was was the most unmusical event of the year. I just can’t believe that they make a living off of that crap!

  4. I fear for folks like this when the worship ends, shrieking fans move on and the idolization ceases. Then what does he have?

    No depth, no soul, no spiritual base to fall back on. He deserves our pity, not our scorn.

  5. Janet, you’ve gone too far this time. Comparing Kanye to Ali is crazy. Ali had the talent to back up his bravado. Kanye is a minimal talent egomaniac.

  6. I do not know one person that likes Kanye or any of his music!!

  7. muhammed ali was healthy arrogance.
    with kanye it’s uncertain sickness…….

  8. It’s embarrassing to see someone so unenlightened they wear animal pelts. The height of arrogant selfishness.

  9. KK as a Parisian….what an absolute joke. She would be ridiculed in Paris or Rome. How many different BLACK men have been up her backside?

  10. Does he play musical instruments? Or does he just rap. Becuz if he just raps, he is not an exceptional musician. If he just fidgits with a digital sound machine, that doesn’t make him an exceptional musician either. I admit the only time I’ve ever heard any of his “music” was at Staples Center where they blare it out super loud before the game starts (and I put in my ear plugs which I am never without), but I didn’t notice any “exceptionalism”, just the same old crap, or rap. I wouldn’t attend a concert of his unless they paid me a lot of money. I do go to a lot of concerts though, my husband is addicted to them and my children & I are actually musicians, so I think I can speak about music. Which involves, besides a lifetime of practice, a whole LOT of READING! Also, passion and soul, which this clown does not appear to have. He sure as hell isn’t any Jim Morrison or Jimi Hendrix.

    btw, here’s the definition of “intellect”:

    “the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, esp. with regard to abstract or academic matters”

  11. MUHAMMED ALI was one of the greatest of all time. To use that mutt kaynes name in the same breath, is an insult.

  12. There is not a comparison to be made between these two. Ali lived through a much different time and did so with grace and dignity and humor. Kanye West is NOT what he claims to be. He has not sold that many records so that he can compare to the true geniuses of R&R is redic. He by is own admission treat people poorly. There is nothing to celebrate here, nothing.

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