
Pop singers Rita Ora, 24, and Miley Cyrus, 22, left the Met Costume Gala hand in hand on their way to hit the after parties. Miley debuted her new hair color and slick no nonsense style. Her heavily studded cut-out dress provided more than enough extravagance. Rita was a bit more feminine in her sophisticated Tom Ford frock, but both girls LOVE to have a good time, so they’re headed for a fun night.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. No class in this picture. The closer you look at these two, the knarlyer they look. Much makeup covering Ora who is happy to service BLACKS at a high rate.

  2. rita is, miley is just a to big shame to be noticed.

  3. Miley is so much prettier than Rita, and dresses so much better.
    I once saw Miley on the street in New York. She was carrying a shopping bag from Bendel’s, it looked like shoes.

  4. PS: I LOVE LOVE Mileys dress. If I wore it gigantic amounts of fat would be pouring out of every opening. Not a pretty sight!

  5. You can put lipstick on a drug addicted hillbilly but the will remain just that. Don’t allow your daughter to worship this filth.

  6. I’d like to put some lipstick on Strom. ; ) in just the right places….

  7. Poor little imposter, so in love w/ Strom. Isn’t Miley, like Hillary Clinton, known for going both ways at the drop of a hat?

  8. Gawd! I woke up this morning looking like a nightmare!
    In the dream just before I awoke I was wearing Miley’s dress. It pinched and hurt from all my fat squeezing out.

    I think I’ll just go and suck my thumb.

  9. Nobody posted under Strom, except you Strom.
    So which imposter are you referring to?

    Which of the above are your other names?

  10. Poor, jealous Napper….so worried about Strom and the rest of the top 1%.

    Work hard and get more than 1 job if necessary, give up the gay lifestyle and you too may be able to achieve success.

  11. Isn’t Miley, like Hillary Clinton, known for going both ways at the drop of a hat?

  12. Strom doesn’t work. He’s a leech on the public welfare system.

  13. Angelo and the Heel Napper are likely going to the Diversity March as a couple!

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