SOMEBODY was really disappointed when Mike Tyson denied those stories that he planned to work as Heidi Fleiss’s “number one stud” at her male brothel in Nevada. Bobby Brown had been VERY excited about the idea because Mike is appearing on his reality show Being Bobby Brown. When Whitney Houston and Bobby split up, the series was almost canceled but Bobby talked his pal Mike Tyson into joining the show. Producers are currently filming segments in Las Vegas, scrambling to keep the series alive. Bobby REALLY wants the show to survive and he figured the Heidi Fleiss brothel situation would stir things up. But apparently Heidi had jumped the gun and Mike admitted the rumor wan’t true. So Bobby’s crossing his fingers that the show will go on without Whitney.

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8 thoughts on “MIKE TYSON: NOBODY'S STUD

  1. Gag! I wouldn’t pay a plug nickel to have sex with him – he’s uglier than ugly.
    Of course Bobby Brown is such a looker. NOT!

  2. Well E V ER Y O N E knows that Tyson & Boy George were a H O T item back in the day!!!!!

  3. I don’t think many women would want to have sex with him. Grossss!

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