We’ve been wondering if Mel Gibson would be able to clean up his image after his drunken rant a few years ago. He chose the right material for his comeback– in “Edge of Darkness” he portrays an anguished father determined at all costs to solve the mystery of his daughter’s death. His character was sympathetic and decent. We were curious about what kind of reception his movie would get when we saw it at a SAG screening. At the end the audience applauded loudly when Mel’s name came up in the credits, so we assume all is somewhat forgiven.

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  1. Mel gibson is the king tool. Another asshole with an out of comtrol ego. That woman he is running around with looks like a tranny octo mom.
    I hate this bigot, homophobe jerk off. If he died tomorrow I would do a happy dance.

  2. I really liked Gibson in Lethal Weapon back in the day, but he is just such a jerk…

  3. but the jewish people are still the cause of all the misery.


  4. When the audience loudly applauds a blatant adulterer who has obvious deep mental problems, we must realize the depth into which heathen America has fallen.

  5. She’s going to take his ass to the cleaners. It’s just a matter of time. Look at Billy Joel and few others who just don’t get it. You’re old and they are young, it’s about money they have none you have plenty.

  6. If Mel would just give up the booze for good, he could be a movie star again. His Lethal Weapon movies are classic.

  7. I agree, this Russian whore is going to take Mel to the cleaners and it would become another Hollywood scandal, even his kids don’t like her.
    I really don’t see this relationship lasting a long time.

  8. Mel Gibson has so ruined his reputation that you couldn’t pay me to watch one of his films. I can’t stand to look at him. And the Russian woman he has had a baby with is interested in her career and his money. But, as usual, the sterotypical “old man trying to cling on to his youth” has no clue.

  9. Mel was the one who paid to put her so-called “music” out. If you haven’t heard it or seen her video it is absolutely hideous! Whatever made her think she can sing? And I agree with the comment about her looking like a tranny octomom!! Those giant inflatable lips could be used as a life boat on the Titanic!

    I used to like Mel in the old days, when he was faithful to his wife and took care of his family and wasn’t a drunken racist. The only way I’d go see this movie now, is if they took all his scenes out and replaced them with someone else, say Bruce Willis?

    Mel needs to slink off with his whore and shut his mouth. No one wants to hear a thing he has to say.

  10. Everybody with brains realizes it’s the media that has a problem with him and it’s very frustrating to them that they can’t force the public to echo that.

  11. Mel is well known to be bipolar. Why do you think he was helping Britney? He goes nuts when he goes off his meds and starts boozing. Let’s move on people, he isn’t racist just crazy.

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