Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Meg Ryan rarely smiles for the cameras, so she must really be thrilled with her purchases at Neiman Marcus. It’s amazing what shopping euphoria will do to one’s mood!
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Meg Ryan rarely smiles for the cameras, so she must really be thrilled with her purchases at Neiman Marcus. It’s amazing what shopping euphoria will do to one’s mood!
Does anyone even care about this HAG anylonger?
Come to my place?
Shopping is not the answer. Antidepressants, therapy and the Lord Jesus and his wife Mary are the cure.
A lot of people care, Chiklette. See, she’s not a hag. People who call other people names are hags.
It’s nice to see Meg Ryan so happy these last few years.
She never looks ‘tidy’ and clean. The bust-up with Dennis has left a mark of sadness on her.
Must be replacing her standard work pants and army boots with a new set.
Thank you 12:56. My sentiments exactly.
Her bust up with Dennis didn’t make her sad. Leaving a husband who cheats on you repeatedly is something that should make any woman happy.
Maybe her face is frozen in a smile from botox and plastic surgery.
I too agree with 12:56
I do like the way she dresses very causual, and the only reason she’s shopping is because she’s very depressed.
She had Mother issues with her own Mother. Hopefully, she settled them.
She was a good actress and nice to watch but it’s over for her as she realizes so shop Meg till you drop!