Keanu Reeves can rest easy- Matthew Perry is already starting to regret the unfortunate comment he made about Keanu in his new book. Sounding a lot like Chandler Bing, Matthew wrote: “Why is it talented actors and original thinkers Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, and Chris Farley die, BUT KEANU REEVES STILL WALKS AMONG US? “ Perry was BOMBARDED with negative online reaction and immediately started backpedaling. He told Deadline “I’m actually a big fan of Keanu. I just chose a random name, by mistake. I apologize. I should have used my own name instead.” Sure, Matthew. (Did he not know how beloved Keanu is to his many fans?)

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  1. Does he ever look clean and showered? I’m surprised anyone would sleep with him for fear of what they might contract!

  2. I have never understood the fascination with Keanu or Perry for that matter, he now just seems like a fat blowhard

  3. Keanu Reeves, by every account is a kind and humble man.

    Perry, on the other hand, seems to worship drug addicts and then became one. Perry looks awful and is jealous and hateful as well.

  4. Didn’t Heath Ledger, River Phoenix and Chris Farley die because they WERE drug addicts? Matthew Perry didn’t make good choices when he mentioned their names as good actors. It sounds like Mr. Perry may have suffered brain damage from his years of abusing drugs.

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