Call us pessimistic, but we’re starting to think that most celebrity namesake charities are all about stashing money to avoid paying taxes while living high on the hog. The recent Mary J Blige scandal is a prime example. Dedicated to “women’s empowerment,” the charity promised four year scholarships to 24 aspiring female students but couldn’t manage to cover tuitions OR pay their own bills, despite raising hundreds of thousands of dollars. Are these charities just used to finance first class travel and lavish expenses for the celebrities and friends, plus generous salaries for relatives hired to run the “business?” What percentage of donations actually HELPED anyone? Certainly Blige enjoyed her “charitable image” and is embarrassed that she was caught. Why did Gucci donate both to Blige and Madonna’s highly questionable charities? Smells like a tax write-off for everyone involved.
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She is tattooed ghetto trash who was screwed regularly by ghetto Mike Tyson…..the biggest fake foundation is J Lo’s Foundation which is a hispanic scam designed to put her relatives on board….Mary’ is also a scam that was caught ‘nigging on a loan and they played dumb in public.
All these need to have big IRS oversight but Hope & Change may not allow it for the BLACKS!
She should spell her last name, not BLIGE, but BILGE.
(As in Bilge-water, nastiest filthiest water on earth)
all of the Kardashian charity donations seem to be the same thing, their own bank accounts
Very sad that this kind of shit goes on legally. In the end, the poor people get the shaft again. Shame on them!
There are very few charities w/ a celeb’s name attached that really do what they say they are going to do. So, it’s important to research, research, research, before choosing any charity to support. Because our daughter is adopted from China, and because my husband knows the founder of his particular group — also about women’s empowerment! — we support All Girls Allowed.
Nasty, fucking, cow!
Patrick, Help me out here son. Do you or do you not like her? 🙂 lol
Her career is completely over.
How is this any differant than cancer research, aids research, autstic, research and whatever bullshit research they claim they doing. The goverment alows monsato or any fda stamps to put poison or arsenic in our food like the fake the sugar, juice or food. Let’s fight cancer and find the cure but meanwhile a perctange of carcinogeninic is in our daily food. Meat!?!? The goverment created aids then say let’s research a cure? really? Autistim is in the mercury, the goverment won’t allow a independent research, says mercury doesn’t produce autism. Yes, let’s look under Mary skirt but not the other bullshiters. Give to the 911, but the goverment did 911. So who is proffiting from whom? I doubt anyone of you who have posted against MB contributed a penny to her organization to care that she is stealing or miss appropriated the funds.
You’ll take out legs rollin around on the deck like that, Hello.
The dumb tattoos, the snap on yellow hair and the over the top Crispy Chicken ad where she stereotyped her assss for a cool 2Million…just gross.
That said I have never trusted Celeb Charities.
most of us know: most Black & White politicians & Singers are GREEDY.
………unfortunately, yes.
No one is as ghetto BLACK skanky as MJB and has less talent to even have a foundation. Her big caboose has been plowed by many many men, many many times.
Hope & Change!
By Hilary
On June 3, 2012 at
“There are very few charities w/ a celeb’s name attached that really do what they say they are going to do. So, it’s important to research, research, research, before choosing any charity to support. Because our daughter is adopted from China, and because my husband knows the founder of his particular group — also about women’s empowerment! — we support All Girls Allowed.”
Is there another name because this foundation doesnt even show up in Guidestar…could well be another scammer,,,,seems another bleeding heart cause that really is there to bleed wallet.
Quite honestly, we the tax paying, honest citizens are becoming charity. Sad truth, very little of the money makes it to the cause. I have to agree with Hello, the corruption on earth is overwhelming & absolutely disgusting. I feel for the generations to come & hope they will make a better tomorrow.