
Madonna and her daughter Mercy, who’s getting very TALL, arrived at JFK International Airport in New York. Madonna’s still smarting from the shocking leak of 13 unfinished demos from her next album. She declared it was a form of terrorism and her personal computer might have been hacked. She said “It’s one thing if someone comes to your house and steals an object – that’s a violation – but, your WORK, as an artist, that’s devastating.” (It’s not that easy to feel sorry for her, is it?)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. She, Beyonce and Rihanna are notorious music thieves, keep that in mind

  2. To use Rape and Terrorism to describe it is just tasteless way to jump on the current events bandwagon.

  3. Don’t be a hater Madonna~They’re just expressing themselves in a way that is unappealing to you?

  4. After all isn’t stealing a Judeo-Christian 10 commandment thing, which everybody from their liberal brother seems to be against now days?

  5. Mercy will have every luxury money can buy. But if her soul and spirit get tainted by her evil mama, ’twill be a sad thing.

  6. All deliberate drama to get attention.. acting as if she knows more than anyone and is so wise and successful then stripping and showing your old lady body parts isn’t a good example for your children dear.. especially the females, the guys are probably confused and embarrassed by the desperation.. Waah, everyone is in the news and .. look at me.. or this, hah hah, gotcha!?

  7. Seeing her tits in that Interview magazine photo shoot. Just tells me she’s afraid of growing old. So she listening for guys or gals to say they love those thing…. Well, Madonna, wait till they start deflating and she starts looking like granny in the old issues in Playboy, with those floppy boobies hanging down. Let’s do hope she gets a boob job and turns those things into something guys really would prefer to look at while wearing a turtleneck. Which I doubt, if she owns any of those. She after all was a Show Girl of some sort.

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