And they said it wouldn’t last. Madonna celebrated her 50th birthday in London at the swanky Volstead Club with her husband Guy Ritchie by her side. Most of the press declared her marriage was OVER last month. Guess who has the last laugh? Madonna sexed up her look with big eyelashes, a sheer chiffon dress, and high boots.

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  1. We’ve had to endure this talentless average looking woman for over 25 years now.
    She sold her soul to the devil for fame and money. She is worshiped only by the gays and followers of Satan.
    John wrote that such antichrists deny “that Jesus is the Christ”, “the Father and the Son”, and would “not confess Jesus came in the flesh.”
    Madonna will burn in the fires of Hell for all of eternity because of the choices she has made.
    Good riddens to you Madge.

  2. Yeah, but WHY won’t she dye that horrible skunk stripe down the center of her head….she can afford new dye jobs every whenever it takes, so DO IT already!!

  3. lol @ The jesus freak googling madonna. The most successful female entertainer of all time talentless? hmm….

  4. Never could stand Madonna or her music. I wish the press would stop reporting on her every move. Her zombie hands are incredibly unattractive, as is her face.

  5. @ 10:29 PM, Anonymous……Let’s hope Madonna who is into the false cult of Kabbalah will mesh with the Scientologists, because they will all spend eternity in hell, along with their master, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Liar…….whichever name you want to give him.

  6. I think it’s nice that Guy takes his mother out for dinner. I’m sure it’s a lovely break for her from the old age home.

  7. Happy Fucking Birthday Madonna! All these people can say whatever they want about her, it’s their opinions. All her millions are real. She did not make all that money just because. She worked her ass off! Props to Madonna. All you haters can continue your hatorade making minimum wage, while she makes millions even whan she’s asleep! Cha-ching !!!!!

  8. Happy Fucking Birthday Madonna! All these people can say whatever they want about her, it’s their opinions. All her millions are real. She did not make all that money just because. She worked her ass off! Props to Madonna. All you haters can continue your hatorade making minimum wage, while she makes millions even whan she’s asleep! Cha-ching !!!!!

  9. Unexpected things that could happen to Madonna:
    1. Mowed down by a drunk driver.
    2. A “psycho fan” of hers pulls a gun on her.
    3. Uncontrolled crowds at her concert, one wielding a knife.
    4. Her plane goes down, or her limo crashes.
    5. Germs and bacteria everywhere, small cut in skin would cause big trouble.
    6. One of her ex-lovers (male or female) could throw acid in face.
    7. Brain aneurysm or sudden fatal blood clot.
    ONE thing her million$ cannot buy her:
    A place in heaven when her soul leaves her body.
    Regardless of her (questionable) talent, she has made her $$ via filthy methods. And of course she is in the false cult Kabbalah, which entirely leaves out Jesus, the only Saviour.
    “Be sure your sins will find you out.”

  10. Guy is rich from his own family inheritance. Happy birthday Madonna.. Pssst, you are old. Tee hee.

  11. she must be getting a pretty watered down version of Kabbala
    usually reserved for the most devout & learned of jewish men
    shilling for mindless sex for years with her crappy music
    then gets religious on us
    life is a comedy

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