#katieholmes #suri #janetcharlton
It’s been a tough couple of weeks, but Katie Holmes has emerged triumphant. Tom is off filming another movie and Katie and her mother took Suri to the petting zoo in Central Park for a special treat. She took delight in feeding the sheep. Katie’ supportive parents must be very relieved that the worst is over and they can spend all the time they want with their granddaughter.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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We have always been curious who Suri’s father is since there was obviously pre-marital intercourse occurring with Miss Katie. Is it Tommy Davis, Mr. Chris Klein, William Mapother, Josh Hartnettt, Mr. A. Turkey Baster?
Like the great Sphinx of Eqypt, this may be a secret for the ages. Although we do have our suspicions. I just simply must give our dear friend, Miss Nancy Sinatra a ring for confirmatia and verificatia.
Bang bang.
pssssst: make sure tom cruise is dead.
I bet her mom and dad haven’t had a decent nights sleep in years due to worrying about their daughter and grandaughter being around that money hungry cult.
I didn’t know Katie’s parents weren’t allowed to see Suri very much, but I am not surprised. That controlling little toad, Mr. Scientology, really has some nerve. I am so happy for Katie that she found the strength to leave a situation where even access to millions of dollars just didn’t cut it. Se wants a happy life, and Tom Cruise ain’t it. Bravo, Katie!!!!!
A child psychologist will tell you that Suri needs to be deprogrammed. As everyone knows, a child’s young brain will soak up information 20 times faster than a grownup. That’s why the evil ones start out a kid on SCI at about age 2 or even age 1. She will forever be screwed up if she doesn’t get a professional to rid her brain of the damage already done.
Also Katie needs deprogramming, but not nearly to the extent Suri does.
PS: I have seen 3 separate pics of Katie and she has on these same boots. Guess she hasn’t had much time to shop lately. lol
I’m impressed Katie went to great lengths to get out of that marriage and protect her daughter.
Thank you Janet Charlton for opening my eyes. It was your story re scientology’s collapse last week that got me googling. OMG what I have discovered. Truly horrific- this cult must die.
She must have had some major dirt on TC. How else could she walk away just like that? Regardless, hope both Katie & Suri find happiness & peace of mind.
Enter: http://www.exscientologykids.com
Today, Inside Edition had another story on SCIentology. High-end SCI’s such as Cruise must hook themselves up to a weird machine several times a day, called an e-meter. After answering questions, if the needle swings completely to the right, you have reached the pinnacle of reaching the spirit world. If the needle stays on left or middle, you have to go to high thetan/counselling sessions. Yeah, tiny Tommy and all the other celebs who feed SCI big money are really wise individuals….NOT.
“they are relieved the worst is over?” Girl, there wouldn’t be a day to go by that I wouldn’t be looking over my shoulder. I would be terrified they would snatch my kid. These folks don’t take losing lightly.
Tom backed down awfully quick, I wonder what she threatened him with?
Rina, that’s what I’m thinking, too. And it’s not because scientologists don’t sue each other, because Katie isn’t and never has been a scientologist. Katie escaped just like Betty Mahmood, except she didn’t have to go to an American embassy.
@bluejay Betty Mahmood!! I just about died after reading that reference. Hilarious and apt. Fantastic.
I dunno,but I have a feeling Katie is not as naive and helpless as media portrait her to be.