We always wondered about LaToya’s constant companion Jeffre Phillips. Wherever she goes, he’s usually a discreet few steps behind her so as not to hog the camera. (To be honest, we thought he might be a gay best friend) They’ve been together for years – he seemed to be more than a friend – more like a business partner or manager. Well, it turns out he’s even more than THAT. We heard that LaToya has now MARRIED Jeffre, and she is now Mrs Phillips! So there.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. LaToya the best dressed of all the Jacksons. She always was…Look what she is wearing here…beautiful….

  2. The worst insult that can ever be hurled at a Jackson is to say they are BLACK….they can’t stand it.

  3. I would say he’s still her best gay friend, that’s their business, hope they are happy

  4. His eyebrows are better groomed than hers. Mazel tov, you two crazy kids.

  5. Well he’s certainly a better choice than the woman beater. Jack croaked a while back. She naturally fell in love with the guy being around him so long. I hope he’s straight.

  6. The only person pulling “Toya’s” legs apart at night is a she, not a he!

  7. Poor Becca… stated:

    The only person pulling “Toya’s” legs apart at night is a she, not a he!

    Could it be Latifah’s “trainer”?

  8. Important to restate:

    Poor Becca,

    The only person pulling “Toya’s” legs apart at night is a she, not a he!

    Could it be Latifah’s “trainer”?

    Could it be Becca?

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