We have a feeling a giant Kan of Kardashian worms just opened. The two wives Robert Kardashian married AFTER he divorced Kris have BOTH claimed that Robert said Khloe was fathered by another man while he and Kris were on the outs, and was not actually his child. The women told Star Magazine that Robert loved Khloe but did not believe she was HIS child. Indeed, Kris has admitted she cheated on Robert while they were married and that’s what ultimately caused the divorce. It’s always been a running joke among the Kardashians that Khloe didn’t resemble her family – she’s bigger and has lighter, curly hair. This leaves the door open for every man Kris ever cheated with to come forward and sell his story and offer to take a DNA test. (Kris must be squirming.) This is going to be fun!

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  1. These 2 women really are disgusting, as Khloe has already tweeted. What a horrible thing to say about anyone, ANYONE!

    The funny thing is, this Bitch actually claimed to have loved Robert and his children?!? Yeah sure, she loved him, like I love root canals and snakes. No wonder the children never had anything to do with her. This broad is obviously jealous of their wealth, period….

  2. I bet you her Dad is one of the guys from the
    “I love my friends” video….perhaps it’s the guy from La Scala Boutique…or Cheesecake Factory?

    Who knows….??

  3. she looks like a Kardashian to me. plus Kris Jenner is not a petite woman. Maybe she didn’t smoke and drink while carrying Khole.

  4. The disgusting one is the foul mouthed beast who bleaches her anus and mayos up her twat. This another opportunity for the blood money skanks to keep themselves in the tabloids. Manipulating the media is what they do. Stupid people fall for it hook line and sinker. Anyway Irene called it. The fat one’s daddy is the pimp’s hairdresser. She said she had the same hairdresser for 30 years. He’s pictured at 3:15 mark of “I love my friends video”.

  5. The whole family are like bloodsucking vampires exploiting the murder of my friend Ron and the lovely and generous Nicole.

  6. Where’s that pretentious psuedo intellectual bumpkin Muffin top?

  7. Take some chill pills Tommy and give it a friggin rest. I am sick of hearing your crap.

    Nicole Simpson or Ronald Goldman wouldn’t know you, wouldn’t like you and let you park their car.

  8. Even though Robert is dead, they can still perform a DNA test. Honestly, rude or not, I really don’t believe khloe is a kartrashian. For one she is very balanced and appears to have sense compared to the two older monkeys in that tribe. She would be lucky not to be a kardashian.

    That mom of theirs is clearly a triffling hobag that spread her legs all to often, no wonder that’s all Kim knows how to do, and what other mother would really encourage a daughter to put out a sex tape. She’s tried to be showbizz since her I love my friends video days!

  9. I think tommy boy has it bad for Kim Kardashian. He would lucky if she let him wipe her skanky butt.

  10. If he is or isn’t doesn’t really matter, he is the man who raised her, I’m sure they both loved each other

  11. anusTwo is one disturbed individual. Typical defender of these bloodsucking talentless hacks.

  12. The pee princess is physically attractive wit the aid of with photo shop and makeup but she is ugly inside. She filmed some bum cornholing her and emptying his bladder on her face and in her mouth. You can have her I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire She sold it for money. The Hilton’s had hotels. The Kardashians had double murder. Go stick your head in the sand dumbshit.

  13. Im sick of these greedy pieces of shit exploiting my friends murder.

  14. I am sick of jackoffs like sister Rona making these bitches rich while real television shows with skilled writers and actors get cancelled.

  15. Why dont you take a chill pill the size of my foot and choke on it.

  16. Robert Kardashian was an abusive sleazy famewhore who has the blood of Ron and Nicole on his hands. Not as a defense attorney but as a accessory after the fact. The fatass. He was a minor demon. This skank was sired by the devil himself…you know the one you sell your soul to.

  17. Who gives a flying leap( no pun intended) who the father is? It could be anyone! The mother is not an honest person, so do you think she told every detail of every man she f***ed in her book? Not a chance. Yes, the daughters all look similar, but plastic surgery and injections
    will do that.Like mother, like daughters.
    The mother should have kept her mouth shut ( again, no pun intended)instead of trying to cash in with a vulgar book, dishonoring the memory of her children’s father, Robert, and sullying his name. If he even is their father. Big question!

  18. I take offense at the insulting of the snake species here.

  19. Gee, tommy girl did i offend thee? what a pity. i guess i should say that i am sorry. I said “should”.

  20. I’ve thought there was a piggy in the woodpile where Khloe is concerned ever since I first heard of the Kardashian family. She does resemble Kris, but not Kim, Kourtney, or Rob. It would make sense that she has a different daddy. I feel sorry for Khloe, because this has to be hurtful and embarrassing for her, but some people are money hungry, and I was reading earlier today that one of Robert’s ex-wives just lost her home. Some extra cash from the Star might soften that blow. That’s not to say that what they said isn’t true, but selling the story to a tabloid rag IS pretty low.

  21. Robert Kardashian was a racist . He did not want his prized pig Kimbo to marry a black. He was friends with a man who beat his two wives and his son. He was friends with the sociopath for his own selfish purpose and the Hollywood connections he made. PMK got a restraining order aganst skunk during their divorce alleging physical abuse. After the verdict he threw his guilty client under the bus divulging privileged information. Look how disturbed all his whore daughters turned out. Kim Goldman runs a charity for disadvantaged youth. What does that tell you ?

  22. The Kardashians seem to have a pass to lie, steal, manipulate,explot, etc… Somebody makes a true statement and all the dumb cunts cry- WAH!

  23. tommy girl is too unbalanced to deal with. i bet he lives in his mum’s basement with a big plastic lifesize doll of Kim that he does unspeakable acts on.

  24. such pretty language tommy. you know kim won’t want to kiss you if you dirty up your mouth that way.

  25. Sister rona you really sound stupid and pretentious using “thee” instead of “you”.

  26. don’t be flirting with me tommy girl. everyone knows you safe your treats for the home team.

  27. Khole should disown her mother and forget that stupid, evil family and use her husbands name from now on..

  28. It’s not about posters but JC’s onsession with all things Kardashian has brought out a raging Tommy. Unlike the others, Khloe had few other options than going BLACK. He can screw around all he wants and she will still hang around…so long as the money keeps rolling in.

    Unfortunately Tom, Goldman’s charity is just a way to channel money back to the G family and calling it a good deed doer. The amount actually given away will be at IRS minimum you can bet. Fred will make sure the GOLD stays with the Goldman’s!

  29. Muffie I’ve read a few of your other posts regarding other “celebs” and your a stupid pretentious dope. Just a big clown dispensing your stupid bits of wisdom all the while thinking you actually have something worthwhile to say. My advice to you is to go to your local adult education school and try to get an education.

  30. Tooommmy Girrrl

    You need to get a:

    – LIFE
    – JOB

    ASAP and not necessarily in that order

  31. One could wonder how Khloe feels about this. Maybe she and Lamar should just move far away to Bali or Fiji Islands. He could refresh his basketball career and she could procreate to her heart’s content, which is what she says she wants. But maybe she enjoys this new twist in the K Klan Krap. Who knows what goes on in any of their warped minds. 🙁

  32. Patrick are you gay? I am not judging you but it seems to me most male regular posters on gossip blogs are gay. I mean who cares about any of this bullshit but a gay. I post on the Kardashians exploiting the murders of Nicole and Ron only. You are like one of these no account bimbos going on about Lilo or Brad or some shit. Just an observation bubby.

  33. Christeen Your a big shot, huh? I bet you have made a real big splash in the pool.

  34. Remember when this beast went on national tv with a sheer top and no bra. That’s muffie christeen patrick anusTwo nina kind of class.

  35. It boggles the mind that my fellow Americans have turned these ordinary uneducated unskilled slugs into wealthy celebrities. Who cares who this fat ugly foulmouthed skank’s father is? Let’s not forget she’s famous because her sleazy adopted father was friends with Oj and helped him commit murder. She also got a bump from her half sister who took one for the team by producing an ass to mouth golden shower porn movie. Titilating the gonads of JC readers since 2007!

  36. Now, now everyone. Tommy did have a good line with “the Hiltons had hotels, and the Kartrashasians had a double murder.”

  37. Here we go again! Dickhead brings up my name, again! WTF

    In regards to one of your previous rants, I don’t claim to be some intellectually gifted person. I am just a regular ol’ person who enjoys reading, and commenting on celebrities. My comments are my opinions, they are honest and written the way I see things. That’s it, nothing more and nothing less.

    Yourself on the other hand, have a ridiculously asinine obsession with some family you have never met. All because some figment of your imagination, got murdered. And then you watched some hideous home porn movie. If you are that disgusting to be such a stalkerish voyeur, then that’s your problem. Sicko!!!!

    Now leave me the FUCK alone, creeper!

  38. Clearly Tommy is insane.
    How sad for your mother and your family Tommy.

  39. even a blind man can see khloe isn’t kim nor kourtney’s sister.

    …….americans simply wished to be fooled?

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