
Underage Jaden Smith, 15, and his sister Willow, 13, partied with Kendall Jenner, 18 and her sister Kylie, 16, at Coachella just like they did last weekend. The group and their friends did a lot of dancing, but they were surrounded by booze and drugs and older people. Music festivals can get awfully wild and there’s a lot of room for stupidity for such young kids. Not a great idea. They’re starting way too early.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

(From left, Jaden in the black hat, Kendall in braids, Kylie in brown hat, Willow in white glasses)

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  1. Not a problem, the Scientology ‘vitamins’ will cure them.

  2. Dumb story, they were there with bodyguards and chaperones. They can be spotted in other pictures.

  3. Doesn’t matter Beav. You must not have kids and must not be familiar with Coachella.

  4. No matter, if you are a female Kardashian you “go BLACK” early and often. Jaden knows this and will take full advantage.

  5. Do any of them have an education?? Say what you want about Madonna, but she has stressed to her children how important it is to be well-educated.

  6. All of them are ridiculous, spending their parents money, no education, will get jobs due to parents and not based on their own skills

  7. Talk about birds of a feather, all uneducated kiddies hanging out being too cool for school. What is wrong with those parents to allow that? Education is important and those families should be so ashamed to have such looser offspring. They can afford to go to the best schools.You can just see the stupid on all four of those kids faces.

  8. Dare I say it!!
    By all indications,these 4 young teens of
    Kardashian,Pinkett/Smith fame are allowed to travel in circles that are considered to be above their age grade. As much as I enjoy reading stories about celebrity brats (as Aretha calls them), we all as readers are in No position to raise other people children. These young “entertainers” have been thrust into the limelight at an early age, and have been given a lot of personal freedom. Because these young people have Never been in the position of a regular 9-5 job, and only know the advantages of walking in the paths that family members have opened for them, (let’s) be thankful that they are Not our responsibility. PEACE!!

  9. That’s great – seeing the stupid on their faces. They will wind up being the responsibility of the People once they start breaking the law, which will most certainly happen repeatedly with all of them. None of the parents will take responsibility for their kids actions. Rather, there will be fault finding and blaming.

  10. Trouble is the middle name of these rebellious wild kids. Their DNA is programmed to it and their life’s ambition of being always in the media will be fulfilled. And that will be because the paps always follow trouble with a “T”.

  11. See the stupid on their faces, good one Missyco. Those celeb-spawn don’t have a chance. And their parents are criminally negligent for allowing them to drop out of school. They are programmed for failure.

  12. Will and Jada had 2 of the most unattractive kids in Hollywood. Who would’ve guessed?

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