Photo Credit: Splash News
Katie Holmes is multitasking as she pushes Suri on a swing and takes directions on the phone from her husband Tom Cruise. She’s in New York rehearsing her Broadway show and she took a break to spend time with her little girl. It looks like they’re at a public city playground but we can’t imagine Suri playing where other city kids play. (Did Katie clean off that swing with antibacterial wipes?) Maybe the bodyguards are just out of camera range.
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And you know Tom Cruise is on the other end of that phone because…
Suri is so cute. It’s a shame she has to grow up with a freakshow father, in that freakshow of an environment.
You can bet bodyguards are hovering in the background. They are of course members of the church of Scientology or the tiny terrible SCI-master would not hire them. Also, they surely sanitized the playground equipment.
Katie, things are not as they seem; you have been warned many times: SCIENTOLOGY WILL TAKE YOUR SOUL, MIND, BODY, AND MONEY. How dumb can you possibly be, you and anyone else that has been fooled by this super-false cult.
Hey isn’t a 16year old kid a tad old for a baby bottle? Well, I’m kidding of course, but won’t be if they don’t wean that giant kid off that bottle…they carry her around as tho she can’t walk, still giver her a bottle…does she still wear diapers and sleep in a crib too….eat baby food out of a glass jar? Come OOOON….liet the kid grow up already….have ANOTHER if you insist on “babying her” or get a dolly or a teddy bear…but let the kid grow up for heaven’s sake!!!! GEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!! Just cause Tommy boy never grew doesn’t mean HIS KID can’t!!!
WOW, this is HOT mummie!!
She is drinking the anointed ‘barley water’ prescribed by L. Ron Hubbard.
What’s up with the sweater & long pants when it’s been in the high 80s + humid everyday in NYC???
What’s she hiding?
The perfect mother.
Married to a homosexual.
Member of a cult.
Frigid–because of the aforementioned marriage to the homosexual and the idea of a sweater and jeans in NYC in August–b itch.
True parent who pushes her child on a swing while she holds a bottle of water and talks to the homosexual.
It’s sad.
Suri is adorable. Many 2-year-olds are still on the bottle. That’s nothing surprising. I don’t know why other parents and busy-bodies worry about when someone else’s child is on or off a bottle, or a pacifier, or carries a blanket. Next you will be complaining that Suri isn’t potty trained. Poor kid. Isn’t it enough she has two parents who are complete freaks? Leave the child alone!
Cute baby!
If Katie had any brains or love for her child she’d stand up, get some backbone and kick Tom in the face, divorce and take her daughter away from the nasty, slavery-cult environment she is being raised in and vamboose.
Katie is getting sick and tired of that false religious huckster she married. Seven more years of bumming around with loonies gathering all the profits of the church and Tom’s moolah and she is free,.. free, free.
I would think Katie’s involvement in anything ‘outside’ of Scientology will cause friction as she will be invited to bashes which maybe Tom would not think ‘wholesome’.
The other main source of friction I would think will come from Suri’s upbringing, and this will cause Katie a lot of pain – no mother can abide not making the decisions about her children: who she plays with, what books she reads/is read,what she wears, which values she adopts etc.
Katie will pay a high price for marrying Tom – possibly her daughter. Do you think Nicole would have ‘left’ her two children without a fight??
The last thing you want to do is LEAVE THESE TWO ALONE. It will be scorched earth tactics by TC if this fool decided to ever leave him. And like one of you astutely put it, it may cost Kate her daughter. Ask Nicole how things work out for her.
Also, these two need to stay in the limelight for their own safety. If they disappear from public view, they may just really disappear if you know what I mean. Katie who now enjoys being mommy to Connor and Isabella, remember honey, Karma is a byatch.
Poor Katie. She thought she was signing on to a life of A-list roles and glamorous parties. Instead she got isolation, starvation, blackmail and death threats all courtesy of Tommy’s cult. She will never, NEVER have custody of that child. She will be lucky to get out with her own life.