Anybody who believes that Katie Holmes had ANY contact with Tom Cruise’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman during the process of her split with Tom is 100% WRONG. Nicole is afraid to even SAY the word “Scientology” – she is grateful to have escaped without even more severe retribution and stays as far away from the cult as possible. (She did lose her adopted children thanks to Scientology.) She would never have connived with Katie against Tom, although she certainly watched Katie’s departure with interest. In case you haven’t noticed, Katie has discreetly never so much as mentioned “Scientology” during the split and she never will. She’s very smart to avoid antagonizing the Scientologists more than she already has.

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  1. Religious groups DON’T put fear into people like those SCIENTOLOGISTS. They’re the DEVIL.

  2. The standard practice Is to use Legal Sharks get a Non-Disclosure Agreement signed.
    Scientology will Gag her from disclosing any dirt.

    Tom’s lawyers would have pushed it as part of the settlement.

    its why Nichole won’t talk…

    there Is a good chance Katie signed away her free speech rights in reguards to Tom ,his preco=ious little cult and Te Cults team of Lawyers …that would be vampires like Bert Fields.

  3. Scientology sounds more and more like the Mafia every day.

  4. So what could they threaten her with for her to give up those kids? Aside from her Botox abuse, I’ve never heard anything horrible about her.

  5. I fear Katie’s worries are just starting. She knows that when the Tiny Hitler gets visitation rights with Suri that he will have a team of Scientologists waiting at his mansion to continue her SCI indoctrinatin with thetan counseling/clearing sessions, designed for 6-year olds. There is nothing Katie can do to stop this. The kid will clearly be messed up, having been enrolled in an exclusive Catholic school and then being forced into more SCI teachings. I’m sure this is her greatest concern, esp. since knowing that Nicole lost her kids to him. Plus, the tiny one is already showering Suri w/ very expensive gits to further bring her to his side. I knew when Katie married him big trouble would come soon. 🙁

  6. Scientology is really a scam, investing in prime real estate as “churches” then not paying a dime in taxes.
    Nicole certainly has talent as an actress, while Katie seems forgettable in every role she’s had. I wonder if Katie’s career will take off, or tank now that she’s not Mrs. Cruise.

  7. If she puts her faith in the one, true God almighty, she’ll never have anything to fear. Screw those demons in disguise with their fake, stupid & distorted beliefs.

  8. Bluejay:

    I think her career will tank shortly. I think all her new-found worries will leach over into any acting, (stage or TV or movie). Worrying about Suri with Tom will probably show through on her face and squelch the little talent she has.


    I completely concur. And this goes for many many other heathens esp. in GollyWeird who are living only for their fame and forune, not giving a thought for eternity.

  9. Yes, poor Nicole stayed at the cult party for ten years. She didn’t get out in five like our little Katie did. Nicole thought she could tough it out and it changed her. It made her untrusting, greedy and bitter.

  10. What complete fabricated rubbish this post is.

  11. I’d be damn if those bastards would take my kids….no way in hell…That is one thing I wonder about Nicole.

  12. Katie Holmes shocked us all with her surgical strike of a divorce. I believe Nicole was still love/star struck in her marriage when Cruise called it quits and that she was at a complete disadvantage when it happened.

    I’m not sure that her career will “tank”. She was just another former WB actress when he found her however, the way she handled this divorce may have people thinking differently about her.

  13. scientology: it’s like being an addict of sleeping pills!!

  14. With all of the programming by the cults of Scientology and Catholicism, Suri’s going to end up a piece of work.

  15. Tom is the danger .. he can make this break-up easy and safe if he wants to .. Let’s see if he is compassionate, honorable and noble as he swears he is.

  16. I do not think Katie is such an innocent victim here.I do think she knew very well what she is getting herself into.

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