We love Kate Winslet, but Joan Crawford’s shoes are not easy to fill. The classic 1945 movie ”Mildred Pierce” is being remade into a five hour miniseries for HBO and Kate’s playing the lead. Naturally, we have reservations about remaking a close-to perfect movie. Fortunately, it will be directed by one of our favorites, Todd Haynes, who’s responsible the exquisite “Far From Heaven” with Julianne Moore. The touching moments, photography, and set decoration, in that period film are unforgettable. Haynes is really the only director we can imagine doing justice to this classic story.

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  1. Janet,

    Not everyone is as ancient as you are and has even seen or know of the 1945 movie. But, knowing how old and senile you are, I can understand that this point didn’t bother to register with you. “We” recommend you go see a doctor so that she can help you with your ailment of having absolutely no clue.

  2. If anyone could pull it off it would be Kate. She’s a great actress.

  3. why is the difference(in clothing) between “celebrities” and civilians no where else so big as in the united states?


  4. As soon as I saw the picture and the headline I was like, “Fabulous”! I think she’d be great in it. As for that idiot in the first comment, are you too poor to afford basic cable?!?!?! Mildred Pierce was just on TCM this month

  5. My mother named me after Joan Crawford as Mildred Pierce was her favorite film. I’ll be delighted to have the wonderful Ms. Winslet play the role – maybe I can not have the moniker “Mommy Dearest” any longer.

  6. damn number 1, if you are out of the loop too bad for you. If you don’t know, there is dvd, online, or cable. There are netflix ads everywhere you get a fucking clue.

  7. Malario, the movies was made in 1945. It is a movie. You can still see it today. I don’t think I have ever seen Mildred Pierce, but I have seen too many classic movies to mention, including silents staring Harold Lloyd, Clara Bow, and Douglas Fairbanks. And – btw – I am only 44. There is little excuse for cultural illiteracy.

  8. Really wish, they would leave the classic films alone. I love Kate Winslet, don’t get me wrong, she would be wonderful, but I wish they wouldn’t make a remake. I am a old softie. 🙂

  9. no.. it’s cheesy story of a middle-class housewife’s attempt to maintain her and her family’s social position when they are NOT at all unique.. dialogue and egotistic superstar actress flaming hot woman but whimy mom who was a master genuius money maker was one of a kind gendre in this movie.

  10. I see no reason whatsoever to remake this story. The original stands up completely well still today. Can’t they write new stories today? Are they so stupid they can’t come up with new and different stories? Don’t mess with the classics!

  11. the person that commented first. GET A LIFE!
    It is really sad that you don’t know what good movies are. You know movies were made back as early as the 1920’s.
    Also if you check on nextflix – I am sure you can rent it.
    Also Please get off Janet’s back – she is NOT ancient like you said in your post.

  12. I thought that some day the trend of foregoing original scripts in favour of making cowardly remakes would end, but it’s been decades.

  13. Kate Winslet is one of the most gifted performers of our generation, as Joan Crawford was in her era.There are remakes, and there are mistakes. A one-time remake of
    Mildred Pierce starring Miss Winslet,would be
    a movie for this generation.I have seen both versions of “The Postman Only Rings Twice”,I like the original version.I have seen both versions of the tearjerker “Imitation of Life” it’s Kleenex time for the remake.Love it.Because there is an over sixty year time frame,let’s look forward to Kate’s version!

  14. Here’s another classic movie, but filmed in 1964 and well done, Sweet Sweet Charlotte.
    Anyone who has not seen this movie, add it to your must see list.

  15. dandy lion: unless you meant (Home) Box Office as in HBO, it’s going to be a made for cable movie. Plus, if it’s going to be a 5 hour miniseries (YES!) then there’s obviously going to be a bunch of new material since the original was a “regular” length movie

  16. I liked the remake of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” better than the original because of the cynical ending, but just about every other remake I have seen is just bad (and maybe if I knew enough about the genre of the original “Body Snatchers” I might think the same of that remake)

  17. While it is technically a remake, it’s closer to the book which both films are basted on, than the first film from 1945. But don’t get me wrong, I love the 1945 film and doubt it can be improved, Joan Crawford deserved her Oscar and Ann Blyth was perfect as Veda. But the murder, which was the pivotal action in the movie, was invented for the movie, it wasn’t in the book at all. And the decades are different, post-war 1940’s vs. depression-era 1930’s. Also Veda’s an opera singer vs. a lounge singer. Huge differences so it could be pretty interesting. And I love Kate Winslet too, but Joan Crawford was born to play this one, she was perfect in it and won the Oscar that year.

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