#kanyewest #kimkardashian #lakers #janetcharlton

Here’s a character revealing story: The last time Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were at a Lakers game they were both looked good and were visibly affectionate. The Jumbotron at the game features the “Kiss-cam” – it zeroes in on celebrity couples and they’re expected to kiss on camera. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were among the smooching couples, but Kanye and Kim were bypassed. Our source told us that at halftime, Kanye RAGED at the PR guy “Why didn’t you put US on the Kiss-cam? You put Justin Timberlake on – I’M BIGGER THAN HIM!!” The PR guy sputtered that HE wasn’t in charge of the Kiss-cam. Kanye scowled “Tell whoever IS in charge that we better be on the second half!” The Kiss-cam didn’t appear during the action packed second half of the game. At game’s end, Kanye was still fuming and obnoxious – as he was leaving he was heard loudly asking “Who’s in charge of the Jumbotron?” Kim just smiled by his side.

About The Author


  1. KK and KW are self-important, vapid, immoral, ignorant, worthless frauds.

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”….Author believed to be Sir Walter Scott

  2. You know the great and mighty Professor Roy Hinkley quoted but thought it was Shakespeare (Of course, he was wrong.) LOL!!! 🙂

  3. Old news JC, are things so bad you have to run this drivel again? Can’t afford to compete with TMZ for new stories?

    Ask T/Tom/Tommy about KK…she has had more BLACK meat in her than any white woman…Nicole S. had quite a bit herself but look what it cost her!

    I saw another story about the kardashian Collection reviving Sears sales…more BS, just like a J Lo publicity machine.

  4. Strom,
    Why do you have to be so dang vulgar? You are obsessed with sex and homosexuals.

  5. Remember when this shiteater gave the paps a big fat cameltoe outside of the DWTS practice? You could see it from space. What an animal.

  6. Who’s bigger, let’s see two reasonably talented guys, each with unbearable egos. Who cares?

    And why do couples kiss at a sports event? Weird!

  7. Her tits,ass,vadge,mouth,nostris,nose,eyes,armpits,soul,and dignity can be purchased for a price That makes her a whore. It makes Kaney a whoremonger. Truth!

  8. Strom and Tom are the same people and insist on nasty language. Vulgarness is not necessary.

    Janet just doesn’t care what is said on this website.

  9. Vulgar:

    characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste: vulgar ostentation.

    indecent; obscene; lewd: a vulgar work; a vulgar gesture.

    crude; coarse; unrefined: a vulgar peasant.

    of, pertaining to, or constituting the ordinary people in a society: the vulgar masses.

    current; popular; common: a vulgar success; vulgar beliefs

  10. Ephesians 5:4 ESV

    Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

  11. @INDY,


  12. Proverbs 4:24

    Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you.

  13. Omg, who is the tool, that’s lies awake at night making this shit up?! Sheesh

  14. Judging by the above photo, they certainly seem to be enjoying themselves!

    This to despite Kanye’s “fuming and obnoxious” disposition regarding he kiss cam.

    PS. Before you comment on my comment, Tom/Tommy, STFU!

  15. Why don’t you go shoot yourself Kanye? You are an ignorant spook that thinks it’s cool like all the other spooks to not tie your shoes and you are a complete oxygen thief.

  16. Hey let’s play spot the douchebag…no, not the ones in the picture above.
    Just one of the commenters above.
    Any idea which one?
    That’s right.

  17. This Future Power Couple are very similar and will go the distance, he seems to be finally maturing.

  18. Leave our Miss Muffie alone.

    It takes a big ole queeen to give such a spew on vulgarity when they themselves are the nasty ones.

    Can’t you convey what you wish to say without the profanity ? If not, then perhaps you should just keep your mean little thoughts to yourself.

  19. Patty…you dont make a ripple when you jump in the pool.

  20. So , I guess the real question, “tom… bitches!” is, just what kind of “friends” we’re you and Ron? Personally, I don’t believe Ron Goldman would have ever associated with, let alone been friends with, someone as “vulgar” and nasty as you!

    Hmm, so maybe, you were stalking him with intentions of having some sort of sexual relationship? I say this because only a homosexual man who hates women would talk so nasty to, and about women. .

    Thanks Walt, for showing how a REAL Man should act!

  21. @tom,

    You say the sweetest things. Are you flirting with me? lol 🙂

    Be nice now. 🙂 Blessings to you!

  22. Matthew 5:43-45

    You have heard that it was said “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.

    (That’s right. I’ve got Indy’s quote disorder. lol) 🙂

  23. John 1:9

    Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness.

  24. Muffie, you impress me as kind of a dope who didnt get much of an education. You feel insignificant- that is why your always putting in your two cents on this blog. I’d wager your overweight and ugly in the face but you grew up tough because you were the “ugly girl”. Walt,Any idiot can post on this site. You’re no exception.

  25. Fly away little Tommy. You have no powers here.

    In regard to Muffie, I suspect what you said about her is exactly what has been said about you throughout the years. Perhaps, it is that pain and humilation you felt from growing up on the road as a circus attraction that keeps you from forming friendships or romantic relationships with humans.

    Just like your first probation officer said to you, beastality is frowned upon. Just because an animal licks your face, it doesn’t mean it wants to get romantic with you. That’s why you are banned from the animal shelters.

    Run along now.

  26. The Kardashian/Jenners rode their car over the bones of my friend Ron and the lovely Nicole in order to enter the world of celebrity. Walt, You should bring your spiel to the Kardashian’s church. How about that for vulgarity…establishing your own church in order to dodge paying taxes. Ron and Jesus died in agony so these bitches can evade paying taxes.

  27. Patrick,
    Perhaps they still do at the circus. 🙂

  28. This is getting old and I don’t want to play anymore. Tom is Strom. Strom is Tom.
    Plus, There are at least two more people he likes to play.

    All of Strom’s characters are filled with vile and hate and sex of some kind. It gets tiresome after awhile.

    Time for sweet dreams of Ann-Margret when she was still young and firm and so was I. lol 🙂

    Good night kids. Play nice now.

  29. Intereting you would bring up bestiality. A shrink would have a field day with that. Patrick you’re a wuss.

  30. Who would market a porn video of their daughter licking her own mierda off of a dick thar was just up her fat ass. that great “businesswoman” Kris the slttern” Jenner. What a fuckin gem!

  31. Kim used to turn tricks with Brittney Gastineau before her whore mother got together with Ryan the ass sucker Semencrust and decided to capitalize on the sneak attack killing of my friend Ron and the innocent Nicole.

  32. ban Tom, please, but not for his dullard’s profanity, but for his grinding and permanent stupidity.

  33. Tom has a doctorate degree from one of the top universties in the country. I believe in the 1st ammendment fucktard.

  34. Go stick your fat heads in the sand but know this…the Kardashians are famous because uncle Oj murdered my buddy Ron and the lovely Nicole. That is their masterpiece.

  35. take your meds Tom, oh … there are little white frothy bubbles in the corners of mouth from all the lithium.

    A Phd, bullshit buddy, just like your fictional friendships … give it a rest, no one believes it, no one.

  36. By anonymouse, why would Janet ban, freak boy?!

    I think she actually enjoys this guys comments.

  37. except your island partner Strom, sharing delusions, can you spell obvious ?

    Btw The first amendment protects free speech, not delusional or offensive speech dumbass. I think they were thinking of you and Strom, when they made the exception !

  38. I respect tom’s comments. I understand Tom’s passion.

  39. Strom=Tom=Computer=Forrest Gump=Strom=Tom=Computer, you get the idea, even if they don’t

  40. Poor, miserable, fucked up, Tommy.
    Nobody loves him. Sad.

  41. Wish Walt would shove all his god damn stupid biblical quotes and pious BS up his Christian ass and learn to shut his mouth. I am sure I am not the only one sick and tired of his corny mid-west American aw shucks common-good old-fashion-sense routine and BORING down home stories that NO ONE CARES ABOUT or is here to read. There is nothing more vulgar than hypocrite christians who cram their ignorance down others throats. Go fuck yourself WALT or better yet take little bitch boy Patrick with you.

  42. Troll some where else you pathetic psycho.
    We have some very nice, real, people here.
    Leave us alone.

  43. ……..at least he dresses himself like a man who is expected to look like one.

  44. Strom is not T/Tom/Tommy or anyone else….after all the above rants I wont ask his “thoughts” on anything either. Go back to the $$$$$Goldman estate.

    But sorry, it’s not about posters anyway!

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