Something is VERY different about Kim Kardashian since she came under the spell of Kanye West. Her face is not the same. Kim used to enjoy paparazzi attention – she’d stop and pose and joke with them. In all the photographs we’ve seen of Kim for the past few months she has exactly the same expressionless look – not unpleasant, not pleasant, just neutral and disinterested. (Like a Stepford wife?) When Kanye started having fights with paparazzi he decided if Kim ignored them they might lose interest. He instructed her to stop acknowledging them and never smile or pose. So THIS is her new public look.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Kim sold her soul to Satan. She looks possessed by the evil forces of Lucifer. She’s clearly taken on the same demeanor as her devil-worshipping baby daddy. Kanye has full mind control over Kim.

  2. It’s now….All Kardahsian, All the Time on JC!

    KK is a disgrace to the white race, no woman has had as much different BLACK meat as she.

  3. Dealing with the paps used to be her bread and butter but she’s got Kanye for18 years now…..and seriously nobody needs that big of a rock on their finger. That just looks ridiculous. Real love isn’t the size of the rock.

  4. I agree, Diva. Both in love with themselves. I feel sorry for North, being raised by these two morons.

  5. I choose to believe it’s because her face has frozen from all the Botox and fillers. It’s apparent to everybody but them that they are ruining one another, two jokes

  6. He’s trying to make her look like Beyonce. LHe even had her lighten her hair.

  7. Yes, that new nose doesn’t fit her face at all. It’s way too “WASPy” for an Armenian girl–like the identical, little cookie-cutter noses they used to give everyone years ago, before they started matching them more to faces/ethnicities.

  8. No matter how much surgery she has, she’ll always be ugly & untalented.

  9. She looks like her mom now, and that’s not a compliment. It’s the fillers and botox that have made it impossible to smile.

  10. I noticed that before she always kept her nails manicured but short, since Kanye showed up she has long nails. Don’t ask me why I noticed that, it’s impossible not to see them splashed on every website daily.

  11. Lola Lisa, you are right. She is possessed by demonic spirits. Sad that she is so utterly stupid that she does not have a clue. She is basically a sad soul, and thus the worst is yet to come.

  12. If true, this is good news. If the paps lose interest we will see less of her.

  13. Good. Because I believe that the public in general are pretty disinterested in tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.

  14. She is angry, cold and very hostile by being bullied and lead by this fool.. but that is a lot of money to get from the dumb rich man, who thinks he is a genius.. Just stick with it.. suffer a bit.. find out his secrets and plan ahead before she dumps him and takes off with joint property investments, child payments.. a generous percent of his private capital and financial assets.

  15. She is angry, cold and very hostile in being bullied and crazy lead by this fool.. but that is a lot of money to get from the dumb rich man, who thinks he is a genius, is her mentor and guide.. Just stick with the routine.. suffer a bit.. find out his secrets and plan ahead before she dumps him and takes off with joint property investments, child payments.. a generous percent of his private capital and financial assets.

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