cameron_diaz.jpgWhat with all the fake stories about rings and engagements, this major celebrity bustup has gone under the radar. But this time it’s really happened. Both parties (Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz) want to keep it quiet – they don’t want to make a big deal out of such a sensitive issue. What happened is that Justin is poised to leave on a world tour and he wants to be free. Last week he informed Cameron that it’s over, just as she was about to leave town to film some movie pickups, and according to insiders “she is devastated.”
“They were a great, well matched couple in many ways but Cameron (at 33) is ready to settle down and wants a commitment, even though she might not admit it. Justin is only 24 and he’s been with Cameron for three years. He hasn’t had a chance to sow his wild oats yet.”
“A few weeks back, Justin and his buddies took off for a few days in Las Vegas and Cameron went chasing after him. She was just too clingy.”
Cameron is one of the richest and prettiest actresses in Hollywood and all she dreams about is a home and family. But she’s had bad luck with boyfriends who won’t commit – first Matt Dillon, then Jared Leto, and now Justin.
Justin and Cameron figured the fact that they’re currently separated geographically would keep their bustup a secret for awhile. Not from JANET CHARLTON’S HOLLYWOOD!

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136 thoughts on “JUSTIN TO CAMERON: BYE BYE!

  1. Thank Hollywood, glad you finally have this site up. Can’t wait to read you everyday. I was getting TI-red of Perez!
    You go girl!!!

  2. It’s sad when people break up – but we all saw this coming.

  3. They are both gay. So are Matt Dillon and Jared Leto. Sham!

  4. Yeah Janets Back!! WooHOo…..
    Anywayz, i really didn’t want cameron to settle down with some one like justin. He’s too young for her. She’s needs a man closer to her age if not older….

  5. She’s irratating with her stupidiy and dumb laff and he comes off like a no class punk kid! goodbye and get lost from print morons!

  6. Justin dumping Cameron?

    Has the breakup between Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz gone completely under the media’s radar?

  7. First off the age difference between these two is staggering. Cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it Cammie. Get in your own sandbox grandma. First it was the white trash pop star and now the washed up goofy celebrity. Move on Justin, you deserve better.

  8. Just never understood Cameron with this guy. He’s just not good-looking enough for her. And the age difference, for god’s sake. 23 years old. Sorry, she can do A LOT better. Let’s see Cammy and Matt Dillon rebound from this!

  9. Cameron is so fugly, she will not age well. Justin go find a boyfriend and be happy

  10. I disagree.. I think Cammeron is the one who wont settle down and not vis versa. She claims to not believe in the institute of marriage or being with one person forever. Shes weird and looks like she needs to shower. Justin needs to hook up with a slew of sexy models and move on…

  11. Well i can’t believe it’s true but if it is i’m so so so happy
    Was so desesperate that i thought it to end…
    Justin is young he need to have fun now he’s gonna!

  12. Justin Timberlake dumps Cameron Diaz?

    Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake over?
    Justin Timberlake is sick and tired of Cameron Diaz’s clinging ways, as a result Justin has dump Cameron’s ass. All this according to Janet Charlton’s Hollywood:
    Both parties (Justin Timberla…

  13. Get a clue ladies…Only Britney can save Britney and I don’t see that happening until she is way past 30 years old (if she gets some brains, that is)

  14. Justin needs to stay as far away as possible from the train wreck that is Britney Spears Federline.

  15. I agree that Justin needs to save Britney. LOL I could never get these two together, and I can’t stand Cameron. By the way, Justin is 25 years old, not 23 or 24. I just wanted to clear that up. He’s still young and rich, so he should enjoy himself and get it all out of his system now.

  16. HughE2030, I completely agree with you
    Also, Cameron Diaz is obviously a man. He needs to get with someone so much more deserving of his hotness

  17. I agree, her dumb laugh is annoying. I’m surprised Justin didn’t drop her long ago. She’s too old for him anyway.

  18. I have to say that If this is true then i will be one happy camper.. I didn’t like Justin’s relationship with Cameron, but i sure hope he doesn’t go back to britney. He doesn’t need that kind of emotional baggage.. dont get me wrong i like brit an all but no. He should enjoy life especially with his new album coming out in two months! So GO JT! i hope this is true tho.

  19. It’s a shame. I thought they were a cute couple. I guess that’s Hollywood for you – here today, gone tomorrow.

  20. Justin better not save brittney she cheated on him. and thank god they are apart i have been waiting for the time that him and cameron went out to break up.

  21. Welcome, Janet! I kinda hope they did break up…I never really liked them together…

  22. true no chemistry together but with the scarcity of men in Los Angeles — what will Cameron do? Maybe she should look up Robert Evans – really, I do like Robert Evans.

  23. love you Janet….you always keep it real…thanks! xoxo

  24. Gay gay gay, folks. You have been had if you believe that they were ever really a couple.

  25. I wonder how accurate the source is for this, considering some news outlets are saying its not true they split.

  26. Yeah, well that’s what they always say. Deny, deny, deny…that’s what they do.

  27. yea thats true. plus i dont believe the reps denied it, they just went around it. which i guess would make sense if they dont want people knowing they did in fact split.
    sorry im just new to janets work, but from what i have read she does reliable work

  28. can’t wait for a justin/britney reunion (even though i’m not anti married britney…but really…)! it’s-it’s-it’s gonna be great

  29. hahahhahah.
    too funny….
    I always wondered who was on top…

  30. Hes 25 in case anyone wanted the facts. Im thinking a veteran gossip would get her facts straight

  31. if you look close, shes quoting someone else there genius

  32. I hope it’s true! I’m just wondering why all of a sudden they’re back in the news again…just in time for Justin’s world tour. I hope it’s not just a publicity stunt so Justin can get his fans back and interested in buying his cd’s again. His image went downhill with her…especially with beating up people and refusing to sign autographs. I hope it’s true this time around. I won’t believe it until they give an official statement or until I see them make out or date other people. We’ll see……….

  33. I agree. She has a bad image for not signing autographs and beating up photographers. Someone should tell her she is not so wonderful, just annoying. Good riddance. I got tired of seeing her hanging all over him in her bikini everytime I saw a new picture. I don’t understand why he is in any movies. He has no talent. At least, she can marginally act.

  34. Stellar site Janet! You add credibility to gossip blogs! You are an instant favorite of mine!

  35. Why would he go and save Britney? He wants to be FREE not have an instant family. DUH YOU IDIOTS! Cameron is very much FUGLY. Gosh and if she really is that clingy, leave that BS behind! Just keep making music I like..

  36. Maybe Justin can help Britney getting back on track…

  37. Cameron should rather Jump for Joy instead of crying for Mr. Ugly sore-loser CurlyFried Justin Timbergay – their relationship was not a match made in Heaven and i’m very glad she’s free again. Cheer Up Cammi !!

  38. So sad like em both.
    But i think Cameron needs a older guy to meet her needs. And Justin… u need to go save Britney, i never liked them 2 breaking up.

  39. cant help thinking that some of the comments on here are from brainless, childish geeks.

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