We weren’t surprised to hear that Justin Bieber’s “glamour” model girlfriend Chantel Jeffries was rumored to be offering her “story” to tabloid magazines and TV shows for $20,000. We think she was doing it with Justin’s blessing. As long as the story made him look good, it was OK. Sometimes celebrities realize that money can be made this way and they are amused at the prospect. They LIKE to see their girlfriends or relatives cash in. Especially if the scoop is flattering. But of course nice stories don’t pay as much as naughty exposes – maybe that’s why Kardashian lookalike Chantel couldn’t make a deal.
Chantel Jeffries Justin Bieber Tabloids Tell Alls
“Glamour model girlfriend”? Is this code for prostitute now? This looks like the girl from the brothel that Bieber got busted coming out of in Brazil. JB really is a little hypocrital christian creep as are his anti-choice parents.
She looks like a tranny.
Is it just me, or does she look like a young Kim Kardashian?
enjoy it while you can, honey.
Bieber is gay anyway, so who cares. And I agree with Trudy. At least he could choose prettier “beards”….
Chantal has more BLACK in her than Bieber’s entire crew.
Why is it that over 50% of BLACK women in America have and spread herpes and the great leader never addresses this scourge?
There is a cure for what ails him. Life.. He is scorned by many and not taken seriously, rude to all and sundry but expects admiration, a brat but no funny joke, and if he survives he might laugh at himself someday.. mostly if he becomes sober.. How sad.. now a great embarrassment to many who liked him.. But wow.. a million dollars a month on partying and doing illegal things with his criminal pals isn’t wise.. and living like a fool he will soon be broke.. what did you gain parents not stepping up to guide and help him..? Oh well, let’s make popcorn and watch the foolish train-wreak he is determined to provide to the world.. maybe time in jail ..a scary show down with the law.. It’ll make a great story.. Isn’t that fun?
That “model” stabbed another woman and assaulted at least one other person. Not a nice person at all. She should be one of the first to go when Bieber’s spring cleaning is begun.
She is fugly and I’m sure she is dirty inside and out. jmho
if we go by looks alone… she is pretty ! lots of haters out there….
Yeah, right. Bi racial ghetto girl’s 15 minutes of fame. The rest of her career will be selling her behind to the highest bidder!