Jessica Simpson is crazy about her fiancee Eric Johnson, but she won’t give up and inch of her closet space for him. Jessica has twelve closets in her Beverly Hills mansion carefully designed to store her huge collection of shoes (over 5000 pairs) handbags, clothing, and accessories, but there’s no extra space for Eric’s wardrobe since he moved in. So what did Jessica do? She bought several rolling racks and put them in the office so Eric can hang up his clothes. Something tells us she’ll be doing some major renovations or moving to a bigger place after they get married.
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if they get married, they could pool their money and buy a house together.
Obscene. Another talentless reality troll raking in money for doing nothing of any importance, and living a trashy, over the top, tabloid life. Yuck. I know a lot of millionaires who manage to live decent, fulfilling, happy lives with one closet.
That’s a good boy.
You do as you’re fucking well told.
………act smart?
agree, SHE CAN’T!!
Can this woman be any more vacant?
The funniest thing about this and all the other “shoe addicts” out there is that ALL their shoes will soon be soooo over style-wise. These front-platform super-stilletto ankle breakers that deform toes will be long gone soon, I smell their demise even now. It has ALWAYS been that way. As soon as everybody has fallen victim to the “styles” and bought roomfulls of the hideous things, it’s OH-VAH and the NEXT hideous thing is ushered in. Gaga and her ilk are trying hard to convince us right now that those heel-less balancing acts are the new IT shoes, but they are a colossal FAIL and only cool to HER. The hippies and high platform knee-high boots were just as rediculous and ugly as today’s shoes, and lasted about as long as these ugly things will. The landfills will be loaded with these monstrosities before you know it and Jessica will have room to move her boyfriend in, boots, flip-flops and all his other packages.
Does this guy wear anything else but a plaid shirt? He is always photographed looking the same.
With all those clothes, why does she always look like an unmade bed?
The tabloids claim that he is totally broke; even his ex said so. Jess pays for everything. Hope she has a pre-nup.
totally disgusting.
What I wouldn’t do to have 12 closets . . .
Sure doesn’t sound like a stable relationship to me. One would think that she would at least let him SHARE a closet with her.