Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Jersey Shore’s Jenni JWoWW, 25, has got herself a new guy – but can she trust him? Snooki knows that SOME dudes are just looking for fame on the popular series and will leap at any opportunity to get it. Jenni’s new boyfriend Roger Williams, 35, is an oil truck driver and wears a crucifix around his neck. He certainly doesn’t seem to mind the cameras following him around and wasn’t shy about smooching with Jenni at lunch. By now everyone in the Jersey Shore house must be a little paranoid about outsiders – we’d like to know that they think of Roger.
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Snooki is too drunk to think much of anything
That’s not a crucifix he’s wearing, it’s a rosary, and I’ve always found it disgusting when people wear those like jewelry. To me it seems disrespectful. They are supposed to be for PRAYER, not a jewelry accessory. I’m not even religious and it offends me. It’s like they don’t even understand the most basic symbolism of their “faith.”
I’m sorry but J Whooww??? why are these people famous? good lord I should just film the idiot rednecks at my local diner. let’s all be famous right?
Who cares what the fat fugly dwarf sausage thinks. Isn’t she still in the slammer anyway?
It takes almost nothing to become famous. Have sex on tape and get pissed on, get two DUI’s or marry someone who can’t sing.
Remember when 35 year olds had an adult wardrobe (some formal wears, sport wear, etc.) were worried about their kids college funds and paying off the mortage? What the hell happened?
Who ever talked about New Jersey before this show other than that’s where New York dumped their garbage.
Lenny, now look where New Jersey is dumping ITS garbage.
It’s embarrassing what gets put on tv. The dumbing down of America.
Not much of a drop.
Pretty funny. I thught the same thing too. People who actualy know him always thought he was gay.
What ever some one wants to do is fine with me but the show is pure drama and trama and it sucks you in to the point where you don’t care or give a Dam.
New Boyfriend and just jumping into a relationship can be fun and what ever makes this people happy and puts joy in there life.
People only want to go out with you for fame and it could be or it could be that he is in love and happy with this lady and loving her company.
Having fun with a good looking and very attractive woman and he works and takes good care of himself with a pretty good job and he is just catching up and spending some time around the beach and or park and just loving it.
People can use you and take advantage of you and not be grateful for anything and some people really care and have a heart and are their for all the right reasons and you don’t know what they are thinking and how they really feel deep down inside.
Trust has to be earned and only time will tell and if you feel right about a relationship wait and see what will happen and maybe she has to learn to trust her thoughs and feelings.
Two people spending time together that they will never get back and love and trust go hand and hand.