We’re impressed. Jane Fonda insisted that she was wearing one of the leotards she wore back in the 80’s when she appeared at World Fitness Day in Atlanta, Ga. She’s put her hip and knee surgery behind her and at 72, Jane is making a workout comeback. Her aerobics videos were huge sellers back in the 80’s, and now she’s targeting her own mature generation. (Many from her generation probably have bad knees today thanks to her vigorous aerobics!) We like everything but the dangling earrings.

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  1. A comeback??? I say she want to re-write history and is questioning the veracity of such a thing as Hanoi Jane. She does not want to be remembered as such.

    Only stupid, misinformed 18 year olds don’t know who this devil is and why she is Hanoi Jane. But to me she always will be Hanoi Treasonous Jane. This socialist knows her days on earth are numbered and doesn’t know hot to atone.

    I don’t acknowledge her as an actor,
    or daughter of Henry,
    or ex-wife of Ted,
    or even an exercise guru

    This traitor should get down on your knee and apologize if not to her country, but to God for aiding and abetting the enemy, torture of our soldiers, etc.

    Go away

  2. Here we go with the bible thumping again! Geez…thought maybe they would take a breather for a second!

    Jane looks great for her age, and I don’t think the earrings are anything to be ashamed of. Glad to see she got rid of the hideous fake boobs tho! I think many people do after a while and realize what a bother they are. My own sister had them and then got them taken out. They were horrible when they were in and I couldn’t believe that she thought they looked good. When they went in to get them, they found one of them had been leaking all inside her body, it was the silicon kind. You couldn’t PAY me to put those ugly fake things in my body!

  3. Reta….What in the name of *$%#@# is wrong with you?

    “This traitor should get down on your knee and apologize if not to her country, but to God for aiding and abetting the enemy, torture of our soldiers, etc.”

    And you call this a statement of a “Bible thumper”. Are you nuts? Everyone knows that at one long period of time “Hanoi Jane” was the most hated woman in America for what she did and said about our brave soldiers.

    Lady, you will one day know what a Bible thumper really is and you will be sorry you were a mixed-up avowed atheist.

  4. oh PoopieStryker what an appropriate user name
    jane apologized on national tv YEARS AGO

    you dolt.i won’t comment further because well being a christian i just can’t even tho my arsenal is full….. just like you are full.
    and you know what you are full of.
    you go away.

  5. Wow, may I say the above are really fiery comments.

    Yes, Jane did apologize on TV. So what? She more or less had to and who knows if she really meant it. Many veterans of today think of her as Hanoi Trash Jane and despise her guts. They are telling their kids and grandkids about this traitor, because they still think of her in this way. Don’t mess with those who are fighting for freedom.

  6. I say nobody likes this lying traitor; terrorist, communist sympathizer.. or wishes her well.

  7. Yo, listen up….my uncle fought and was wounded in World War II on Anzio Beachhead, Italy. His kids and grandkids know about this traitor slut that had no shame about what she said and did. ALL veterans from all wars know who she is and can’t stand her. Her fake apology means NADA, Zip. You can take that statement to the bank.

  8. She looks incredibly especially for 72. Wow! I remember reading that she had issues with food throughout her life. I hope she is eating healthy (and not starving herself).

  9. Hey PitBullLover

    Poopie Stryker is on strike against anything and everything that is poop. Save your hard earned money.

    jane is poop,
    and hollywood is poop

    Get it? Everyone should strike against the garbage that is hollywood. I am no Bible thumper either. I do believe in God though, I am not leaving this little detail when I sense death approaching like I know others will. They always do. Always.

    You know, just in case. LOL

    PS: Not a Bible thumper, your soul to loose, do whatever you want to do with it. Sell it to the devil for all I care, for 5 euros.

    BTW: What three letter word did the atheist screamed when he jumped from a 20th story building as he flew by your tenth floor balcony.

    Yeah, you got it. The truth is a bitch.

  10. The optomist fell ten stories
    at each window bar
    he shouted to his friends
    “All right…SO FAR….”

  11. Sorry Poop, but you ARE a thumper. You spew and spew…apparently you can’t help it, probably one of those brainwashed from birth types. You should sue your parents for fucking up your brain cells and taking away your ability to be a free thinker. Poor baby.

  12. She is and always will be a traitor. You don’t have agree with the policy, but don’t sell our soldiers out.

  13. I told you earlier that the lost soul called Reta is an atheist.

  14. The Vietnam trip was misinterpreted by idiots like the people on here. She was trying to end the war which was a huge mistake. She’s a great actress, she has range and a fabulous voice, she was excellent on Broadway last year. The conservatives on here need to forgive, it was a different world back in the 60s.

  15. pssssssst: SHE’s STILL LIVING IN THE EIGHTEES, folks!!

    (let’s feel sorry for her)

  16. When I was in college back in the eighties, my economics teacher called her “The Bitch”. She will NEVER live it down the things she has done to our soldiers.

  17. Hey Barkley,

    Nothing to do with conservatism vs leftwing politics. Please explain why H-wood panders to Marxists and socialists. Let me make a short list for you:

    Terrorrists Castro, Che, and Chavez are greatly loved by all of Hollywood and the likes of Penn, Roberts, Streisand, Cameron, Garofalo, shall I go on.

    These two men are sworn enemy of the USA. Their goal in life is to see the USA destroyed. Keep in mind, if you are ablt to, that these two make no distinction between men, women, children or ethnicities.

    What will your excuse be for this fine crowd in 20 years. Jane made her bed and is afraid to lay in it. Her apology rings false.

    But on judgement day, she will get her chance to repent. Sorry, had to throw that in there since someone here seems to think I Bible stump. I like to make people happy, make them think they are right. LOL.

  18. PoopieStryker: You will notice Reta did not respond to my comment (3rd one down)…not that she HAD to. Anyhoo, I think a nerve has been struck on her and deep down she knows that on Judgment Day there will be a big surprise for those that did not heed the B.I.B.L.E.

  19. My husband is a veteran, and I feel the same way about her, a disgusting traitor. She is and always has been a spoiled rich bitch who has lived a totally pampered life.

    I am of the age to remember when she was the aerobics queen. And allegedly a feminist. Meanwhile she was busy getting fake boobs, a facelift etc. So much for being proud of herself as a woman, had to be a plastic one.

    She is a phony through and through.

  20. to MamaSan: you want an answer? I didn’t respond to your post because it was so pathetic. You now try to bait me by saying you think you “struck a nerve”? hahahahahaha My dear, there will be no “Judgement Day” and you are living your entire life on earth shaking in fear over what will become of you after you die. I, on the other hand, prefer to LIVE MY LIFE, and be kind to others, treat other people equally, and I don’t care who they sleep with, what color they are, or what they believe. I DO care if they abuse animals or children! And will fight with all my might against those who do such hideous things. For those who wish to be dilusional, I feel sorry for them because they most likely were brainwashed from birth and their ability to choose WHAT to believe was obliterated when they were still in diapers. in fact, most people remain believing the religion they were raised in.

    I, my dear, was not brainwashed. And I LOVE my brain just fine the way it is. I make my own decisions and listen to the FACTS.

    I have read more hate directed at gays and blacks and women on this site, coming from what I term the “Bible thumpers” than anywhere else on the internet, and it boggles the mind. I thought that so-called religious people were supposed to be loving and accepting of others, but it seems to be just the opposite. I would say to all of them, if you can take one thing away from the bible, take this:

    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

    It’s what I live by. I don’t believe in God, Jesus, or any other diety, and am happy and loved and completely free of worry about the “afterlife” which I believe there is none. I am not wasting my time here on earth playing games about the hereafter. I am too busy being a good person to all around me, and trying to fight unfairness where I see it, thus, my battle with you bible thumpers who insist on condeming anyone who doesn’t believe whatever YOU believe, in spite of the fact there are hundreds of religions around the world that all believe THEY are the true and correct religion.

    Did you ever stop to think, how many wars would the world have had if there would have been no religion? And you condeme ME for NOT believing?

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