When we heard Jamie Lee Curtis’s announcement that her youngest child is transgender, we couldn’t help but be reminded of that rumor about Jamie herself. Jamie was the child of two major movie stars – Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. It was a generally accepted rumor in Hollywood that Jamie herself was born intersex (with features of both sexes) and she had surgery after birth to become a female. Through the years the rumor has persisted for two reasons: Jamie has NEVER denied the rumor or addressed the issue at all, AND she didn’t give birth to her two children – she adopted both of them. Considering the situation, Jamie just might decide to finally talk about her own set of circumstances – or maybe not.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA,

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  1. It doesn’t matter.
    She’s married to the greatest guitarist of

  2. Ah, snookums, those smart phones are notoriously difficult to work for the lesser abled. You did recover pretty well though. Have a cookie.

  3. Dan Dan – you are a hateful, miserable person. All you do is call names and berate people. Are you 13? Are you that unhappy with your life that the only way you feel better is to disparage other people? Go outside. Get a friend. Develop a life of your own. Troll.

  4. How is praising someone for fixing an error and offering them a cookie being hateful? I like it when someone offers me a cookie. And, oh, hi again. I knew you’d be back. How are the hearings going? Still proud of your orange moron?

  5. No one sells anger and hate better than a Democrat in a wheelchair.
    Let me guess, purple hair too?

  6. Patrick,

    Truer words were never spoken. Nasty, hateful and childish and miserable.

  7. Yo, Danny boy,

    Have a cookie, and while you’re eating it, do a half-gainer into an waterless swimming pool.

  8. Oops, typo alert!

    A waterless swimming pool, not an waterless swimming pool. Must not neglect proofreading text before hitting send!

    Incidentally, Danny boy blunder, are you eating the cookie? Er, I mean, gumming the cookie?!

  9. Oops, typo alert!

    A waterless swimming pool, not an waterless swimming pool. Must not neglect proofreading text before hitting send!

    Incidentally, Danny boy blunder, are you eating the cookie? Er, I mean, gumming the cookie?!

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