Photo Credit: Splash News

Divorcees Star Jones and Ivana Trump compared notes and fur coats over lunch on Madison Avenue. Don’t these two New Yorkers know that the REAL reason Hollywood actresses avoid fur is NOT fear of PETA’s red paint, but the fear that fur adds unwanted pounds!

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  1. That coat does make Star Jones look like she gained all her weight back

  2. How many more toyboys will Ivana run through? At least Star had only one, and he turned out to be a faggot. Ivana’s were just gold-diggers.

  3. Jeez, Janet, apparently it wouldn’t occur to you that perhaps the real reason Hollywood actresses avoid fur is NOT because they fear it will make them look fat but because they find the idea of an animal being skinned alive for its coat both abhorrent and unbelievably cruel. Look out, your shallowness is showing.

  4. I think the real reason the actresses don’t wear fur in public is because they don’t want to be stalked and humiliated by peta, and of course they don’t want to have to cough up the thousands of dollars to satisfy petas constant hunger for money.

  5. The original owners died in those coats; it’s nauseating to see these two vain hags wearing them

  6. Ivana is a hag witch who needs sex and more sex to satisfy her needs. Her ‘looks’ are long faded now with just an old face and chunk bod and as for Star..her career is in the toilet and she has only cheap shot shows now.

  7. Ivana is a hag witch who needs sex and more sex to satisfy her needs. Her ‘looks’ are long faded now with just an old face and chunk bod and as for Star..her career is in the toilet and she has only cheap shot shows now.

  8. Fur is a bulky fabric and it most certainly DOES add major poundage to the human wearer!
    Star Jones had the nerve to wear leopard print knee high boots with her fur coat, it really does not get any tackier than that!

  9. Ivana actually looks thinner, and maybe a even a little gaunt here, IMHO.
    Star, on the other hand, has clearly started back packing on the pounds.

  10. Poor Star, she looks like a wild boar in the coat.
    I guess when your cereer runs into the crapper all that’s left is lunch with Ivana, who’s known for……..for…..marrying The DumbA$$…..for marrying the manwhore. For marrying.
    Maybe Star’s getting advice on How Not To Marry A Known Homosexual Who Will Run You Out Of Money And Leave You When A Hot Piece Of Man Butt Comes Along.
    Star Jones. No talent. Getting fat. Fatter.

  11. I have a faux fur costing $39 on sale. 4 or 5 persons thought it was real. The moral is: Don’t even wear the fake, becuuse they look real, they are not that warm, and they tend to make one look fat.
    Btw, the real question here is how and why did these two opposites get together.
    Ivana is standing like an old woman and Star is still fooling herself thinking she is still a hot property for a TV show.

  12. I think they make a great looking couple — and dating each other has the advantage of not subjecting them further to godl-digging men — who, let’s face it, would be the only type of men interested in these two.
    And yes, Ivana has lost weight. She obviously found success with the “Turn Yourself Into a Pubic Laughingstock Diet.”

  13. This picture says all you need to know about Star’s fashion knowledge. Anyone who would hire her needs their head checked.

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