Left Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

How does Tom Jones contain his curiosity? In 1987 he had a fling with a model in the US named Katherine Berkery and the result was a baby boy named Jonathan Jones. Tom agreed to support the child but he never wanted to see him. Now little Jonathan has grown up – he’s 23 and a model and singer. He’s also desperate to meet his father – even just once. He’s publicly pleading for a meeting, but so far Tom is not interested.

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  1. Shame, shame Tom Jones! Do the right things and meet your son. It’s only right. What a handsome, talented boy you have to be proud of too. Tsk, tsk . . . .

  2. Maybe he is jealous because the son is 10x better looking than he ever was!

    Oh yeah…….What a DICK!!

  3. don’t do it, tom.

    this is called: EASY MONEY!!

  4. Maybe Tom made a deal w/ his long suffering wife to not see the son… that is was okay to give the mom money, but seeing the kid would get him too emotionally involved. Not saying that it’s right or wrong, just a theory.

  5. Interesting, knowing he’s been a closeted gay from the very start.

  6. XYZ: where do you get your “knowing” from if he has been “closeted”? Also, there are DNA tests today if there is ANY doubt in either parent’s head (or the son’s). If indeed this IS his birth child, I think very very little of him for his approuch if this is true, that is. I don’t see how the curiosity alone could have kept him from wanting him to know the boy, let alone the love that springs from your heart when you find out you have a child on the way.

    As for the “son”, he DOES look similar, esp in the nose. I think he should see a lawyer and demand a DNA test and medical history if nothing else. He has every right to know his roots and know where he comes from. This is the same problem adoptees feel. Unconnected, unfinished, unwanted, and don’t know WHY!

    Tom Jones, give the boy the answers he is asking for. You would expect the same if it were YOU!

  7. Why would someone want to bother with a sperm donor, that old guy is not worth knowing.

  8. At least Tom provided the child support…something many of the BLACK pro athletes never bothered to do!

  9. Tom, this will come back and bite you. He didn’t ask to be born and he didn’t ask for a father that’s cold as ice.

  10. Reta, I think according to some on here and elsewhere, every male celebrity ever born is a closeted gay. I think it’s jealousy because their own lives are so dull. As for Tom and his son, Tom is an asshole. He got the girl pregnant while committing ADULTERY, then treats the son that resulted from that like he isn’t even worthy of meeting dear ol’ Dad? Shame, shame on you, Tom. I expected better of you.

  11. Perhaps, it is a jealousy issue on Tom Jone’s part. Obviously, he doesn’t feel any kind of bond with him at this point. It must be difficult having an oversized and well fed ego well into his senior years and then see a younger more handsome (perhaps, more talented?) version of himself.

    By the way, Tom Jones is 71 and already has a 55 year old son named Mark. Mark has been his manager since around 86 or 87.

  12. Katherine Berkery, went with Tom Jones and John Gotti back in the day. Her son looks like John Gotti!!! Someone should have some DNA done….

  13. I’m not surprised. I was never impressed by Tom Jones and always considered him low class. I never understood all the women going crazy over him. He was never attractive to me. Apparently he’s as low class or worse than I ever thought he was. Btw, if he’s been paying child support, they’ve probably already done a DNA test to prove who the father is.

  14. Why don’t these men get clipped so they shoot blanks if they don’t want any births from thier casual sex? The same thing goes for women with the no birth control. What do they think is going to happen with unprotected sex? The son should receive equal rights with Tom’s estate. Tom should cover costs of education for the young man. As far as the mother goes she is on her own…gold digging gone bad.Not too clever..

  15. Tom did step up to the plate w/ finances and this is an unfortunate but common problem with many celebrities. Kid’s mother was a whore, unfortunately and no different than Mel B. Eddie paid up.

  16. He should at least meet the son and answer whatever questions he has. I don’t understand why a father couldn’t do that for his son. It’s disgusting.

  17. Even a paid whore has more class than someone who would deny their own child, sounds like he’s better off not getting to know this has been low-life

  18. I never got his appeal. A couple of years ago my sister in law went to see him in concert. Women were still charging the stage throwing their bloomers at him.

  19. Denise, I bet some of their bloomers hit the stage hard with the water weight of the depends. lol : )

  20. why would you want to meet someone that wasn’t interested in meeting you? I would move on.

  21. Bacon is bacon, eggs are eggs. Don’t let a guy get between your legs. He says “you’re cute”, he says “you’re fine.” Nine months later he says, “not mine.”

    old one:
    Guy: How do you like your eggs in the morning?


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